UMR-CNRM wiki pages

Project maintained by UMR-CNRM Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

UMR-CNRM Forge documentation

For newcomers:

  1. set a personal account (e.g. “PrenomNomMF”) with your MF e-mail address
  2. send an e-mail to ???? asking to become a member of the organization, providing your account user id.
  3. you will receive an invitation to join the organization, that you will just have to accept.


To set your connectivity with your local repository clones (i.e. git commands such as clone, fetch, pull, push), two connection protocols are available: SSH and HTTPS. From MF HPC, only HTTPS is allowed for now.



To set a new repository on the UMR-CNRM forge:

Contact the admins of the forge (????) with the precise name of the repository (case sensitive). Once created, the admins will give you admin rights on the repository.