Source code for epygram

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) Météo France (2014-)
# This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law.

Enhanced Python for Graphics and Analysis of Meteorological fields

``epygram`` is a package of classes, designed to handle Meteorological Fields,
and various resource Formats from which the Fields can be extracted.

It is distributed along with a series of applicative tools using the package,
that can be used as command line tools, or can be taken as templates for building more complex
applications with the ``epygram`` package.


.. _license:


Copyright Météo France (2014)

Initial authors:
* A. Mary - Météo France, CNRM/GMAP/COOPE -
* S. Riette - Météo France

This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law and
abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-C
license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL

The license text is provided in the LICENSE.txt file of the package.


from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals, division

import sys
import io
import os

import footprints

package_rootdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__path__[0]))  # realpath to resolve symlinks

__all__ = []

__version__ = "1.5.2"

__license__ = 'CeCILL-C'

__authors__ = ['Alexandre Mary', 'Sébastien Riette']

[docs]class epygramError(Exception): """Errors class for the package.""" pass
# : Root log for epygram epylog = footprints.loggers.getLogger(__name__) # Check that Python version is compatible if sys.version_info.major == 3: if sys.version_info.minor < 5: epylog.warning('*epygram* requires Python3.5 at least. ' + 'It may not work properly with older versions.') else: epylog.warning('*epygram* support for Python2 is not maintained !') # config from . import config # COMPONENTS (modules) # from . import util from . import base from . import containers from . import moves from . import args_catalog from . import profiles from . import spectra from . import geometries from . import fields from . import formats from . import resources # Register plugins from . import _plugins for p in config.activate_plugins: if p in _plugins.available(): _plugins.activate(p) else:"Plugin '{}' from config.activate_plugins is not available.".format(p)) # Further initializations if config.hide_footprints_warnings: footprints.logger.setLevel(footprints.loggers.logging.ERROR) # OTHERS #
[docs]def showconfig(): """ Print current config. """ import copy cfg = copy.copy(config.__dict__) header = "### " + cfg['__name__'] + " ###" print("#" * len(header)) print(header) print("#" * len(header)) to_be_removed = ['os', 'sys', 'imp', 'platform', 'footprints', '__name__', '__doc__', '__package__', '__file__', '__builtins__'] for p in to_be_removed: cfg.pop(p, None) for k in sorted(cfg.keys()): print('- ' + k + ' = ' + str(cfg[k]))
[docs]def init_env(omp_num_threads=1, no_mpi=True, lfi_C=True, mute_FA4py=None, unlimited_stack=True, ensure_consistent_GRIB_paths=True, ignore_gribenv_paths=False): """ A function to modify execution environment (to be called early in execution). :param omp_num_threads: sets OMP_NUM_THREADS :param no_mpi: environment variable DR_HOOK_NOT_MPI set to 1 :param lfi_C: if True, LFI_HNDL_SPEC set to ':1', to use the C version of LFI :param mute_FA4py: mute messages from FAIPAR in FA4py library :param unlimited_stack: equivalent to 'ulimit -s unlimited' :param bool ensure_consistent_GRIB_paths: complete GRIB samples/definition paths to be consistent with inner library :param ignore_gribenv_paths: ignore predefined values of the variables GRIB_SAMPLES_PATH and GRIB_DEFINITION_PATH (or equivalent ECCODES variables) """ # 1. falfilfa4py library # FA & LFI need some special environment setting if any([f in formats.runtime_available_formats for f in ('FA', 'LFI')]): from epygram.extra import falfilfa4py if mute_FA4py is None: mute_FA4py = config.FA_mute_FA4py falfilfa4py.init_env(omp_num_threads=omp_num_threads, no_mpi=no_mpi, lfi_C=lfi_C, mute_FA4py=mute_FA4py, unlimited_stack=unlimited_stack) if ensure_consistent_GRIB_paths: from epygram.extra import griberies libs_grib_api = falfilfa4py.get_dynamic_eccodes_lib_paths_from_FA() for apilib, libpath in libs_grib_api.items(): griberies.complete_grib_paths(libpath, apilib, reset=ignore_gribenv_paths) # 2. SpectralGeometry inner transformation lib may need some special # environment setting, delayed to actual invocation: # we simply pass kwargs, initialization is done at first call to the library from .geometries.SpectralGeometry import transforms_lib_init_env_kwargs transforms_lib_init_env_kwargs.update(omp_num_threads=omp_num_threads, no_mpi=no_mpi, trigger=True) # 3. grib_api or eccodes # need some special environment setting # ensure grib_api/eccodes variables are consistent with inner library if 'GRIB' in formats.runtime_available_formats and ensure_consistent_GRIB_paths: from .formats.GRIB import lowlevelgrib lowlevelgrib.init_env(reset=ignore_gribenv_paths)
#: shortcut for epygram.formats.resource() open = formats.resource if config.init_at_import: init_env()