Distribution ============ The package is distributed under open-source licensing (CeCILL-C); cf. :ref:`Distribution license `. The management of its development is done on https://github.com/UMR-CNRM/EPyGrAM Dependancies ------------ Dependancies are handled by pip/PyPI. Cf. pyproject.toml for more details. Some formats libraries are optional: if not available, the support for these format is deactivated at runtime. Maintenance & Obligations ------------------------- The package is distributed without maintenance obligation from the authors nor Météo France (CNRM/GMAP). Every bug report, porting matter, or functionality improvement can be addressed using to the Issues of the github repository (cf. above). The package is supposed to evolve in a collaborative way. Feel free to contribute proposing your own developments, if general enough to potentially interest other people. However, the authors nor Météo France do not undertake to incorporate all proposed contributions into the main trunk of the code and the official releases.