fa — Handling FA grib definitions

FA Grib definitions

class epygram.extra.griberies.definitions.fa.FaGribDef(actual_init=True, concepts=['faFieldName', 'faModelName', 'faLevelName'])[source]

Bases: GribDef

Handle FA-related GRIB definition files. To add user files: a) use env var ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH or b) move it under {config.userlocaldir}/{FaGribDef.dirname}

FA2GRIB(*args, **kwargs)

Convert FA field name to GRIB fid, including vertical level identification.

  • grib_edition – among (‘grib1’, ‘grib2’), the version of GRIB fid

  • include_comments – if a comment is present if grib def, bring it in fid

  • fatal – if True and fieldname is not retrieved, raise a ValueError; else, return a default 255 fid

  • filter_non_GRIB_keys – filter out the non-GRIB keys that may be present in grib def of field

GRIB2FA(*args, **kwargs)

Look for a unique matching field in tables. ! WARNING ! the unicity might not be ensured depending on the version of grib definitions files.


grib_edition – among (‘grib1’, ‘grib2’), the version of GRIB fid

lookup_FA(*args, **kwargs)

Look for all the fields which FA name contain partial_fieldname.

  • grib_edition – among (‘grib1’, ‘grib2’), the version of GRIB fid

  • include_comments – if a comment is present if grib def, bring it in fid

  • filter_non_GRIB_keys – filter out the non-GRIB keys that may be present in grib def of field

lookup_GRIB(*args, **kwargs)

Look for all the fields which GRIB fid contain partial_fid.

  • grib_edition – among (‘grib1’, ‘grib2’), the version of GRIB fid

  • include_comments – if a comment is present if grib def, bring it in fid

  • filter_non_GRIB_keys – filter out the non-GRIB keys that may be present in grib def of field

epygram.extra.griberies.definitions.fa.fagribdef = <epygram.extra.griberies.definitions.fa.FaGribDef object>

Handle FA-related GRIB definition files. To add user files: a) use env var ECCODES_DEFINITION_PATH or b) move it under {config.userlocaldir}/{FaGribDef.dirname}