tables — utilities around GRIB tables

Contains equivalences tables for GRIB encoding.

epygram.extra.griberies.tables.productionStatusOfProcessedData_dict = {'dble': 1, 'oper': 0, 'research': 2, 'test': 2, 'unknown': 255}

Aliases to productionStatusOfProcessedData numbers

epygram.extra.griberies.tables.typeOfGeneratingProcess_dict = {'Analysis': 0, 'Analysis error': 7, 'Bias corrected forecast': 3, 'Bias-corrected ensemble forecast': 11, 'Climatological': 9, 'Ensemble forecast': 4, 'Forecast': 2, 'Forecast error': 6, 'Hindcast': 15, 'Initialization': 1, 'Nowcast': 14, 'Observation': 8, 'Post-processed analysis': 12, 'Post-processed forecast': 13, 'Probability forecast': 5, 'Probability-weighted forecast': 10, 'unknown': 255}

Aliases to typeOfGeneratingProcess numbers

epygram.extra.griberies.tables.pyproj_geoid_shapes = {0: {'a': 6367470.0, 'b': 6367470.0}, 2: {'a': 6378160.0, 'rf': 297.0}, 4: {'ellps': 'GRS80'}, 5: {'ellps': 'WGS84'}, 6: {'a': 6371229.0, 'b': 6371229.0}, 8: {'a': 6371200.0, 'b': 6371200.0}, 9: {'ellps': 'airy'}}

Geoid shapes for pyproj

epygram.extra.griberies.tables.statistical_processes = {0: 'average', 1: 'accumulation', 2: 'maximum', 3: 'minimum', 4: 'difference', 5: 'rms', 6: 'stdev', 7: 'covariance', 8: '-difference', 9: 'ratio', 10: 'summation', 11: 'standardized anomaly'}

Type of statistical process over a duration

epygram.extra.griberies.tables.typeoffixedsurface2sample = {1: 'sfc', 100: 'pl', 119: 'ml'}

Equivalence between typeOf[First|Second]FixedSurface and abbreviation in samples