Spectral filtering (spectral round-trip at a lower truncation)ΒΆ
and vizualisation of differences as (DCT) variance spectrum plot
%matplotlib inline
# for figures in notebook
# import & initialize epygram
import epygram
import os
INPUTS_DIR = os.path.join('..', 'inputs')
# [2025/01/16-17:42:04][epygram.formats][<module>:0072][INFO]: Format: HDF5SAF is deactivated at runtime (Error: No module named 'h5py'). Please deactivate from config.implemented_formats or fix error.
r = epygram.open(os.path.join(INPUTS_DIR, 'ICMSHAROM+0022'), 'r')
t59 = r.readfield('S059TEMPERATURE')
spgeom = r.spectral_geometry
# initial field spectrum
sp59 = t59.dctspectrum()
sp59.name = t59.fid['FA']
# set new spectral space
print(spgeom.truncation['in_X'], spgeom.truncation['in_Y'])
trunc_spgeom = spgeom.deepcopy()
trunc_spgeom.truncation['in_X'] = 100
trunc_spgeom.truncation['in_Y'] = 100
# spectral roundtrip
# and compute DCT spectrum
sp59f = t59.dctspectrum()
sp59f.name = sp59.name + '(filtered)'
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# and plot
fig, ax = epygram.spectra.plotspectra([sp59, sp59f])

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