Morphing: apply a local deformation of fieldΒΆ
%matplotlib inline
# for figures in notebook
# import & initialize epygram
import epygram
import os
INPUTS_DIR = os.path.join('..', 'inputs')
# [2025/01/16-17:42:30][epygram.formats][<module>:0072][INFO]: Format: HDF5SAF is deactivated at runtime (Error: No module named 'h5py'). Please deactivate from config.implemented_formats or fix error.
r =, 'ICMSHAROM+0022'), 'r')
f = r.readfield('SURFTEMPERATURE')
fig, ax = f.cartoplot(subzone='CI')

# make 2 PointFields by extracting them from the field
p1 = f.extract_point(8,45)
p2 = f.extract_point(8.5, 45.5)
print(p1.getdata(), p2.getdata())
279.10697361419653 276.7998386410072
# set arbitrary different values
f.morph_with_points([p1, p2], morphing='gaussian', sigma=10000) # gaussian blending weight with 10km sigma
fig, ax = f.cartoplot(subzone='CI')

# or as increment (less brutal):
p = f.extract_point(7,46)
p.setdata(+10) # +10K increment
f.morph_with_points([p], morphing='gaussian', sigma=10000, increment=True)
fig, ax = f.cartoplot(subzone='CI')

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