— 3-D Vector Field class¶
Contains the class for a 3D field.
Plus a function to create a Vector field from 2 scalar fields.
- epygram.fields.D3VectorField.make_vector_field(*components)[source]¶
Creates a new
or subclass from severalepygram.D3Field
or subclass representing the components of the vector in the field geometry.
- class epygram.fields.D3VectorField.D3VectorField(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
3-Dimensions Vector field class.
This is a wrapper to a list of D3Field(s), representing the components of a vector projected on its geometry (the grid axes).
This class is managed by footprint.
info: Not documented
priority: PriorityLevel::DEFAULT (rank=1)
Automatic parameters from the footprint:
comment (
) - rwd - Not documented, sorry.Optional. Default is None.
components (
) - rxx - List of Fields that each compose a component of the vector.Optional. Default is FPList::<<as_list:: []>>.
fid (
) - rwx - Not documented, sorry.misc_metadata (
) - rwd - Not documented, sorry.Optional. Default is FPDict::<<as_dict:: dict()>>.
processtype (
) - rxx - Generating process.Optional. Default is None.
structure (
) - rxx - Type of Field geometry.Values: set([‘3D’])
units (
) - rwd - Not documented, sorry.Optional. Default is ‘’.
validity (
) - rwx - Validity of the field.Optional. Default is FieldValidityList::<<as_list:: [FieldValidity::<epygram.base.FieldValidity object at 0x7a00391590f0>]>>.
vector (
) - rxx - Intrinsic vectorial nature of the field.Values: set([True])
Constructor. See its footprint for arguments.
- as_vtkGrid(rendering, grid_type, subzone=None, filename=None, module_name='module', vector_name='vector', grid=None, version='XML', binary=True, compression='ZLib', compression_level=5, transform_wind=0)¶
Requires plugin: with_vtk (config.activate_plugins)
Returns a vtkStructuredGrid filled with the field :param rendering: a usevtk.Usevtk instance :param grid_type: can be:
sgrid_point: structured grid filled with points
- sgrid_cell: structured grid filled with hexahedron
If the field is 2D, a zero thickness is used. If the field is 3D, thickness are approximately computed
ugrid_point: unstructured grid filled with points
- ugrid_cell: unstructured grid build filled with cells
If the field is 2D, a zero thickness is used. If the field is 3D, thickness are approximately computed
- Parameters:
subzone –
optional, among (‘C’, ‘CI’), for LAM grids only, returns the grid resp. for the C or C+I zone off the C+I+E zone.
Default is no subzone, i.e. the whole field.
filename – if not None, resulting grid will be written into filename
module_name – name to give to the scalar field containing the module (useful with the grid option)
vector_name' – name of the vector field (useful with the grid option)
grid – if grid is not None, the method will add the data to it.
version – must be ‘legacy’ or ‘XML’, used with filename
binary – True (default) for a binary file, used with filename
compression – must be None, ‘LZ4’ or ‘ZLib’ only used for binary XML
compression_level – between 1 and 9, only used for binary XML Zlib-compressed
transform_wind –
to rotate ans scale wind according to vtk coordinates: 0: do nothing 1: scale the w component to take into account the z axis expansion,
the total module is not preserved but the horizontal one is preserved. The horizontal components must be oriented along the vtk axes.
- 2: same as option 1 but the total module is preserved whereas the horizontal
one is not preserved
- 3: same as option 1 but, in addition, all the components are rotated.
The horizontal components must be oriented along north-south and east-west axes.
- 4: same as option 3 but (as for option 2), the total module is preserved whereas
the horizontal one is not preserved
If grid_type is ‘sgrid_point’, the result is the grid; otherwise the result is the function is the last filter used.
- attach_components(*components)[source]¶
Attach components of the vector to the VectorField. components must be a series of D3Field.
- comment¶
(see the documentation above for more details).
- components¶
List of Fields that each compose a component of the vector (see the documentation above for more details).
- compute_direction()[source]¶
Returns a
or subclass whose data is the direction of the horizontal part of the Vector field (the two firsts components), in degrees.
- compute_vordiv(divide_by_m=False)[source]¶
Compute vorticity and divergence fields from the vector field.
- Parameters:
divide_by_m – if True, apply f = f/m beforehand, where m is the map factor.
- property data¶
Accessor to the field data.
- fid¶
(see the documentation above for more details).
- getdata(subzone=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Returns the field data, with 2D shape if the field is not spectral, 1D if spectral, as a tuple with data for each component.
- Parameters:
subzone – optional, among (‘C’, ‘CI’), for LAM fields only, returns the data resp. on the C or C+I zone. Default is no subzone, i.e. the whole field.
Shape of 2D data: (x (0) being the X component, y (1) the Y one)
Rectangular grids:
grid[0,0,x] is SW, grid[-1,-1,x] is NE
grid[0,-1,x] is SE, grid[-1,0,x] is NW
Gauss grids:
grid[0,:Nj,x] is first (Northern) band of latitude, masked after Nj = number of longitudes for latitude j
grid[-1,:Nj,x] is last (Southern) band of latitude (idem).
- getlevel(level=None, k=None)[source]¶
Returns a level of the field as a new field.
- Parameters:
level – the requested level expressed in coordinate value (Pa, m…)
k – the index of the requested level
- getvalue_ij(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Returns the value of the different components of the field from indexes.
- getvalue_ll(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Returns the value of the different components of the field from coordinates.
- global_shift_center(longitude_shift)[source]¶
Shifts the center of the geometry (and the data accordingly) by longitude_shift (in degrees). longitude_shift has to be a multiple of the grid’s resolution in longitude.
For global RegLLGeometry grids only.
- gp2sp(spectral_geometry=None)[source]¶
Transforms the gridpoint field into spectral space, according to the spectral_geometry mandatorily passed as argument. Replaces data in place.
- Parameters:
spectral_geometry – instance of SpectralGeometry, actually containing spectral transform subroutine (in in its own gp2sp() method).
- map_factorize(reverse=False)[source]¶
Multiply the field by its map factor. Only the first two components are affected.
- Parameters:
reverse – if True, divide.
- misc_metadata¶
(see the documentation above for more details).
- nonzero(subzone=None)[source]¶
Returns the number of non-zero values (whose absolute value > config.epsilon).
- plot3DOutline(*args, **kwargs)¶
Requires plugin: with_vtk (config.activate_plugins)
Cf. D3Field.plot3DOutline()
- plot3DStream(rendering, samplerate=None, maxLength=None, tubesRadius=0.1, color='Blue', opacity=1.0, plot_tube=False, colorbar=True, subzone=None, transform_wind=0)¶
Requires plugin: with_vtk (config.activate_plugins)
This method adds contour lines and/or colorize the field. If the field is 3D, contours appear as isosurface. :param rendering: a usevtk.Usevtk instance :param samplerate: if not None, must be a dictionary. Allowed keys are
‘x’, ‘y’ and ‘z’ and values are the sample rate in the given direction. For example {‘x’:3} means take one over 3 points in the x direction
- Parameters:
maxLength – integration length to build the stream lines and tubes
tubesRadius – radius of the tubes
color – a color name, a vtk.vtkColorTransferFunction or a vtk.vtkLookupTable to associate colors to the stream lines or tubes
opacity – opacity value
plot_tube – True to plot the tubes instead of lines
colorbar – True to plot a colorbar
subzone –
optional, among (‘C’, ‘CI’), for LAM grids only, returns the grid resp. for the C or C+I zone off the C+I+E zone.
Default is no subzone, i.e. the whole field.
transform_wind –
to rotate ans scale wind according to vtk coordinates: 0: do nothing 1: scale the w component to take into account the z axis expansion,
the total module is not preserved but the horizontal one is preserved. The horizontal components must be oriented along the vtk axes.
- 2: same as option 1 but the total module is preserved whereas the horizontal
one is not preserved
- 3: same as option 1 but, in addition, all the components are rotated.
The horizontal components must be oriented along north-south and east-west axes.
- 4: same as option 3 but (as for option 2), the total module is preserved whereas
the horizontal one is not preserved
- Returns:
actor, mapper, colorbaractor
- Note: the wind components, whatever is the transform_wind option, must contain
the map factor corrections.
- plot3DVector(rendering, samplerate=None, arrowScaleFactor=1.0, color='Blue', opacity=1.0, colorbar=True, subzone=None, transform_wind=0)¶
Requires plugin: with_vtk (config.activate_plugins)
This method adds contour lines and/or colorize the field. If the field is 3D, contours appear as isosurface. :param rendering: a usevtk.Usevtk instance :param samplerate: if not None, must be a dictionary. Allowed keys are
‘x’, ‘y’ and ‘z’ and values are the sample rate in the given direction. For example {‘x’:3} means take one over 3 points in the x direction
- Parameters:
arrowScaleFactor – scale factor used to plot the vector
color – color name or lookup table or color transfer function to associate colors to the vector norms
opacity – opacity value
colorbar – True to plot a colorbar
subzone –
optional, among (‘C’, ‘CI’), for LAM grids only, returns the grid resp. for the C or C+I zone off the C+I+E zone.
Default is no subzone, i.e. the whole field.
transform_wind –
to rotate ans scale wind according to vtk coordinates: 0: do nothing 1: scale the w component to take into account the z axis expansion,
the total module is not preserved but the horizontal one is preserved. The horizontal components must be oriented along the vtk axes.
- 2: same as option 1 but the total module is preserved whereas the horizontal
one is not preserved
- 3: same as option 1 but, in addition, all the components are rotated.
The horizontal components must be oriented along north-south and east-west axes.
- 4: same as option 3 but (as for option 2), the total module is preserved whereas
the horizontal one is not preserved
- Returns:
actor, mapper, colorbaractor
- Note: the wind components, whatever is the transform_wind option, must contain
the map factor corrections.
- processtype¶
Generating process (see the documentation above for more details).
- reproject_wind_on_lonlat(map_factor_correction=True, reverse=False)[source]¶
Reprojects a wind vector (u, v) from the grid axes onto real sphere, i.e. with components on true zonal/meridian axes. Other components are kept untouched.
- Parameters:
map_factor_correction – if True, apply a correction of magnitude due to map factor.
reverse – if True, apply the reverse reprojection.
- sp2gp()[source]¶
Transforms the spectral field into gridpoint, according to its spectral geometry. Replaces data in place.
The spectral transform subroutine is actually included in the spectral geometry’s sp2gp() method.
- property spectral¶
Returns True if the field is spectral.
- structure¶
Type of Field geometry (see the documentation above for more details).
- to_module()[source]¶
Returns a
(or subclass) whose data is the module of the Vector field.
- units¶
(see the documentation above for more details).
- validity¶
Validity of the field (see the documentation above for more details).
- vector¶
Intrinsic vectorial nature of the field (see the documentation above for more details).
- vtk_guess_param_from_field(*args, **kwargs)¶
Requires plugin: with_vtk (config.activate_plugins)
Cf. D3Field.vtk_guess_param_from_field()
- what(out=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>, vertical_geometry=True, cumulativeduration=True)[source]¶
Writes in file a summary of the field.
- Parameters:
out – the output open file-like object (duck-typing: out.write() only is needed).
vertical_geometry – if True, writes the vertical geometry of the field.