epygram.fields.H1DField — Horizontal 1-D Field class

Contains the class that handle a Horizontal 2D field.

class epygram.fields.H1DField.H1DField(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: D3Field

Horizontal 1-Dimensions field class. A field is defined by its identifier ‘fid’, its data, its geometry (gridpoint and optionally spectral), and its validity.

The natural being of a field is gridpoint, so that: a field always has a gridpoint geometry, but it has a spectral geometry only in case it is spectral.


This class is managed by footprint.

  • info: Not documented

  • priority: PriorityLevel::DEFAULT (rank=1)

Automatic parameters from the footprint:

  • comment (builtins.str) - rwd - Not documented, sorry.

    • Optional. Default is None.

  • fid (footprints.stdtypes.FPDict) - rwx - Not documented, sorry.

  • geometry (epygram.geometries.AbstractGeometry.Geometry) - rxx - Geometry defining the position of the field gridpoints.

  • misc_metadata (footprints.stdtypes.FPDict) - rwd - Not documented, sorry.

    • Optional. Default is FPDict::<<as_dict:: dict()>>.

  • processtype (builtins.str) - rwx - Generating process.

    • Optional. Default is None.

  • spectral_geometry (epygram.geometries.SpectralGeometry.SpectralGeometry) - rxx - For a spectral field, its spectral geometry handles spectral transforms and dimensions.

    • Optional. Default is None.

  • structure (builtins.str) - rxx - Type of Field geometry.

    • Values: set([‘H1D’])

  • units (builtins.str) - rwd - Not documented, sorry.

    • Optional. Default is ‘’.

  • validity (epygram.base.FieldValidityList) - rwx - Validity of the field.

    • Optional. Default is FieldValidityList::<<as_list:: [FieldValidity::<epygram.base.FieldValidity object at 0x7a0039137850>]>>.

Constructor. See its footprint for arguments.


(see the documentation above for more details).


(see the documentation above for more details).


Geometry defining the position of the field gridpoints (see the documentation above for more details).

getlevel(level=None, k=None)[source]

Returns self. Useless but for compatibility reasons.


(see the documentation above for more details).

plotanimation(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Cf. eponymous function of module for arguments.

plotfield(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Interface method to methods plotprofiles() and plotverticalhovmoller(), depending on time dimension (or not).

Cf. these functions for arguments.

plothorizontalhovmoller(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Cf. eponymous function of module for arguments.

plottransects(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Cf. eponymous function of module for arguments.


Generating process (see the documentation above for more details).


For a spectral field, its spectral geometry handles spectral transforms and dimensions (see the documentation above for more details).


Type of Field geometry (see the documentation above for more details).


(see the documentation above for more details).


Validity of the field (see the documentation above for more details).

epygram.fields.H1DField.plothorizontalhovmoller(transect, over=(None, None), fidkey=None, title=None, logscale=False, zoom=None, colorbar='vertical', graphicmode='colorshades', minmax=None, levelsnumber=21, center_cmap_on_0=False, colormap='jet', minmax_in_title=True, contourcolor='k', contourwidth=1, contourlabel=True, datefmt=None, showgrid=True, x_is='distance', figsize=None, rcparams=None)[source]

Makes a simple vertical Hovmöller plot of the field.

  • transect – being a epygram.fields.H1DField

  • over – any existing figure and/or ax to be used for the plot, given as a tuple (fig, ax), with None for missing objects. fig is the frame of the matplotlib figure, containing eventually several subplots (axes); ax is the matplotlib axes on which the drawing is done. When given (!= None), these objects must be coherent, i.e. ax being one of the fig axes.

  • fidkey – type of fid for entitling the plot with fid[fidkey], if title is None; if None, labels with raw fid.

  • title – title for the plot.

  • logscale – to set Y logarithmic scale

  • zoom

    a dict containing optional limits to zoom on the plot.

    Syntax: e.g. {‘ymax’:500, …}.

  • colorbar – if False, hide colorbar the plot; else, befines the colorbar orientation, among (‘horizontal’, ‘vertical’). Defaults to ‘vertical’.

  • graphicmode – among (‘colorshades’, ‘contourlines’).

  • minmax

    defines the min and max values for the plot colorbar.

    Syntax: [min, max]. [0.0, max] also works. Default is min/max of the field.

  • levelsnumber – number of levels for contours and colorbar.

  • center_cmap_on_0 – aligns the colormap center on the value 0.

  • colormap – name of the matplotlib colormap to use.

  • minmax_in_title – if True and minmax != None, adds min and max values in title

  • contourcolor – color or colormap to be used for ‘contourlines’ graphicmode. It can be either a legal html color name, or a colormap name.

  • contourwidth – width of contours for ‘contourlines’ graphicmode.

  • contourlabel – displays labels on contours.

  • datefmt – date format to use, e.g. “%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z”

  • showgrid – True/False to show grid or not

  • x_is – abscissa to be among: - ‘distance’: distance from first point of transect - ‘lon’: longitude of points - ‘lat’: latitude of points

  • figsize – figure sizes in inches, e.g. (5, 8.5). Default figsize is config.plotsizes.

  • rcparams – list of (*args, **kwargs) to be passed to pyplot.rc() defaults to [((‘font’,), dict(family=’serif’)),]

Warning: requires matplotlib.

epygram.fields.H1DField.plottransects(transects, over=(None, None), labels=None, fidkey=None, unit='SI', title=None, logscale=False, zoom=None, x_is='distance', figsize=None, rcparams=None)[source]

To plot a series of transects. Returns a tuple of matplotlib (Figure, ax).

  • transects

    being a epygram.base.FieldSet of epygram.fields.H1DField, or a single epygram.fields.H1DField.

    All transects are supposed to have the same unit, and the same horizontal coordinate.

  • over – any existing figure and/or ax to be used for the plot, given as a tuple (fig, ax), with None for missing objects. fig is the frame of the matplotlib figure, containing eventually several subplots (axes); ax is the matplotlib axes on which the drawing is done. When given (!= None), these objects must be coherent, e.g. ax being one of the fig axes.

  • labels – a list of labels for the profiles (same length and same order).

  • fidkey – key of fid for labelling the curve with fid[fidkey]; if None, labels with raw fid.

  • unit – label for X coordinate.

  • title – title for the plot.

  • logscale – to set Y logarithmic scale

  • zoom

    a dict containing optional limits to zoom on the plot.

    Syntax: e.g. {‘ymax’:500, …}.

  • x_is – abscissa to be among: - ‘distance’: distance from first point of transect - ‘lon’: longitude of points - ‘lat’: latitude of points

  • figsize – figure sizes in inches, e.g. (5, 8.5). Default figsize is config.plotsizes.

  • rcparams

    list of (*args, **kwargs) to be passed to pyplot.rc() defaults to [((‘font’,), dict(family=’serif’)),

    ((‘figure’,), dict(autolayout=True))]

epygram.fields.H1DField.plotanimation(transect, title='__auto__', repeat=False, interval=1000, **kwargs)[source]

To plot a time-dependent transect as an animation. Returns a matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation.

  • transect – being a epygram.fields.H1DField.

  • title – title for the plot. ‘__auto__’ (default) will print the current validity of the time frame.

  • repeat – to repeat animation

  • interval – number of milliseconds between two validities

Other kwargs passed to plottransects().