Source code for epygram.extra.griberies.definitions.util

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) Météo France (2014-)
# This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law.
Contains utilities around GRIB definitions files.

import os
import re
import io
import copy

from ...util import init_before

def read_gribdef(filename):
    """Read a grib definition file and return it as a dict."""
    re_name = re.compile(r'("|\')(?P<name>[\w\.\-\_ ]+)("|\')\s*=')
    re_real = r'\+|-?\d*\.\d*e\+|-?\d*'
    re_real_g = r'(?P<real>' + re_real + ')'
    re_int = r'\+|-?\d+'
    re_int_g = r'(?P<int>' + re_int + ')'
    # re_num = '(' + re_real + ')|(' + re_int + ')'
    re_num_g = re_int_g + r'|' + re_real_g
    re_keyvalue = re.compile(r'(?P<key>\w+)\s*=\s*' + re_num_g + r'\s*;')
    # read file
    with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        lines_unfold = [l.strip() for l in f.readlines()]
        lines = []
        for line in lines_unfold:
            line = line.replace(';',';\n').replace('{ ','{\n')
            line_split = [l.strip() for l in line.split('\n')]
    # find fields declaration
    dico = {}
    indexes = []
    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        fmatch = re_name.match(line)
        if fmatch:
            field ='name')
            indexes.append((field, i))
            dico[field] = {}
    # loop on fields
    for (j, (field, istart)) in enumerate(indexes):
        if j + 1 == len(indexes):  # last one
            iend = len(lines)
            iend = indexes[j + 1][1]
        if istart > 0 and lines[istart - 1].startswith("#"):  # this is a comment
            dico[field]['#comment'] = lines[istart - 1][1:].strip().strip('"')
        for i in range(istart, iend):
            kvmatch = re_keyvalue.match(lines[i])
            if kvmatch:
                if kvmatch.groupdict().get('int'):
                    dico[field]['key')] = int('int'))
                elif kvmatch.groupdict().get('real'):
                    dico[field]['key')] = float('real'))
    return dico

[docs] class GribDef(object): _default_grib_edition = 'grib2' _non_GRIB_keys = [] def __init__(self, actual_init=True, concepts=[]): self._concepts = set(concepts) self.tables = {'grib1':{c:{} for c in concepts}, 'grib2':{c:{} for c in concepts}} if actual_init: self._actual_init() else: self._initialized = False def _actual_init(self): """Read necessary definition files.""" pass
[docs] def read(self, filename, grib_edition=None): """Read a grib def concept file, and update or register it.""" if grib_edition is None: for g in ('grib1', 'grib2'): if g in filename: grib_edition = g concept = os.path.basename(filename).replace('.def', '') if concept in self.tables[grib_edition]: self.tables[grib_edition][concept].update(read_gribdef(filename)) else: self.tables[grib_edition][concept] = read_gribdef(filename)
@classmethod def _filter_non_GRIB_keys(cls, fid): """Some keys are to be filtered out from gribdef.""" filtered_out = copy.copy(fid) for k in cls._non_GRIB_keys: if k in fid: filtered_out.pop(k) return filtered_out @init_before def _lookup(self, fid, concept, grib_edition=_default_grib_edition, include_comments=False, filter_non_GRIB_keys=True, exact=False): """ Concept equivalence lookup: - if **fid** is a **concept** value, get the associated GRIB key/value pairs - if **fid is a set of GRIB key/value pairs, get the associated **concept** value(s) :param grib_edition: among ('grib1', 'grib2'), the version of GRIB fid :param include_comments: if a comment is present if grib def, bring it in fid :param filter_non_GRIB_keys: filter out the non-GRIB keys that may be present in grib def of field :param exact: when **fid** is a concept value, - if exact=True, return only the grib def which concept value matches exactly **fid** - if exact=False, return all the grib def which concept value contains **fid** """ try: if isinstance(fid, str): fid = parse_GRIBstr_todict(fid) except SyntaxError: # fid is a concept value retrieved = self._lookup_from_conceptvalue(fid, concept, grib_edition=grib_edition, include_comments=include_comments, filter_non_GRIB_keys=filter_non_GRIB_keys, exact=exact) else: # fid is a GRIB fid retrieved = self._lookup_from_kv(fid, concept, grib_edition=grib_edition, include_comments=include_comments, filter_non_GRIB_keys=filter_non_GRIB_keys) return retrieved @init_before def _get_def(self, fid, concept, grib_edition=_default_grib_edition, include_comments=False, fatal=True, filter_non_GRIB_keys=True): """ Direct access to a grib definition :param include_comments: if a comment is present if grib def, bring it in fid :param fatal: if True and fieldname is not retrieved, raise a ValueError; else, get 'default' instead of fieldname :param filter_non_GRIB_keys: filter out the non-GRIB keys that may be present in grib def of field """ if fid in self.tables[grib_edition][concept]: fid = copy.copy(self.tables[grib_edition][concept][fid]) else: if fatal: raise KeyError('{} not found'.format(fid)) else: fid = copy.copy(self.tables[grib_edition][concept]['default']) if not include_comments: if '#comment' in fid: fid.pop('#comment', None) if filter_non_GRIB_keys: fid = self._filter_non_GRIB_keys(fid) return fid def _lookup_from_conceptvalue(self, fid, concept, grib_edition=_default_grib_edition, include_comments=False, filter_non_GRIB_keys=True, exact=False): """ Look for all the fields which **concept** value contain **fid**. :param grib_edition: among ('grib1', 'grib2'), the version of GRIB fid :param include_comments: if a comment is present if grib def, bring it in fid :param filter_non_GRIB_keys: filter out the non-GRIB keys that may be present in grib def of field :param exact: when **fid** is a concept value, - if exact=True, return only the grib def which concept value matches exactly **fid** - if exact=False, return all the grib def which concept value contains **fid** """ fields = {} try: # first try to get it as exact gribfid = self._get_def(fid, concept, grib_edition=grib_edition, include_comments=include_comments, fatal=True, filter_non_GRIB_keys=filter_non_GRIB_keys) except KeyError: pass # field was not found as such; might be partial => finally else: fields[fid] = gribfid finally: if not exact: # complete with all that contains fid for f, gribfid in self.tables[grib_edition][concept].items(): if fid in f: fields[f] = gribfid for gribfid in fields.values(): if not include_comments: gribfid.pop('#comment', None) if filter_non_GRIB_keys: gribfid = self._filter_non_GRIB_keys(gribfid) else: if len(fields) == 1: fields = fields[list(fields.keys())[0]] return fields @init_before def _lookup_from_kv(self, handgrip, concept, grib_edition=_default_grib_edition, include_comments=False, filter_non_GRIB_keys=True): """ Look for all the fields which GRIB def contain **handgrip**, returning them identified by their **concept**. :param grib_edition: among ('grib1', 'grib2'), the version of GRIB fid :param include_comments: if a comment is present if grib def, bring it in fid :param filter_non_GRIB_keys: filter out the non-GRIB keys that may be present in grib def of field """ if isinstance(handgrip, str): handgrip = parse_GRIBstr_todict(handgrip) fields = {} for f, gribfid in self.tables[grib_edition][concept].items(): if set(handgrip.keys()).issubset(gribfid.keys()): ok = True for k,v in handgrip.items(): if gribfid[k] != v: ok = False break if ok: fields[f] = copy.copy(gribfid) for k, fid in fields.items(): if not include_comments: fid.pop('#comment', None) if filter_non_GRIB_keys: fields[k] = self._filter_non_GRIB_keys(fid) return fields @init_before def known_names_for_concept(self, concept, grib_edition=_default_grib_edition): """Get sorted list of names for **concept**.""" return sorted(self.tables[grib_edition][concept].keys()) @init_before def known_names(self, grib_edition=_default_grib_edition): """Get sorted list of names for all concepts.""" all_names = {} concepts = list(self.tables[grib_edition].keys()) for c in concepts: all_names[c] = self.known_names_for_concept(c, grib_edition) return all_names @init_before def known_values_for(self, key, concept=None, grib_edition=_default_grib_edition): """Get list of all values present throughout the GribDef for **key**.""" if concept is None: concepts = list(self.tables[grib_edition].keys()) else: concepts = [concept] values = set() for c in concepts: for gribfid in self.tables[grib_edition][c].values(): if key in gribfid: values.add(gribfid[key]) return sorted(values)
[docs] def known_values(self, concept=None, grib_edition=_default_grib_edition): """Get list of all values present throughout the GribDef for all keys.""" values = {} for key in self._allkeys(grib_edition): values[key] = self.known_values_for(key, concept, grib_edition) return values
@init_before def _allkeys(self, grib_edition=_default_grib_edition): """Get set of all keys present throughout the GribDef.""" all_keys = set() concepts = list(self.tables[grib_edition].keys()) for c in concepts: for gribfid in self.tables[grib_edition][c].values(): all_keys.update(set(gribfid.keys())) if '#comment' in all_keys: all_keys.remove('#comment') return all_keys