#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) Météo France (2014-)
# This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law.
# http://www.cecill.info
Contains the class that handle a Horizontal 2D field.
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals, division
import numpy
import footprints
from epygram import epygramError
from epygram.geometries import Geometry
from . import gimme_one_point
from .D3Field import D3Field
from .PointField import PointField
epylog = footprints.loggers.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class H2DField(D3Field):
Horizontal 2-Dimensions field class.
A field is defined by its identifier 'fid',
its data, its geometry (gridpoint and optionally spectral),
and its validity.
The natural being of a field is gridpoint, so that:
a field always has a gridpoint geometry, but it has a spectral geometry only
in case it is spectral.
_collector = ('field',)
_footprint = dict(
def _check_operands(self, other):
Internal method to check compatibility of terms in operations on fields.
if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
if self.spectral != other.spectral:
raise epygramError("cannot operate a spectral field with a" +
" non-spectral field.")
if self.geometry.rectangular_grid:
if self.geometry.dimensions['X'] != other.geometry.dimensions['X'] or\
self.geometry.dimensions['Y'] != other.geometry.dimensions['Y']:
raise epygramError("operations on fields cannot be done if" +
" fields do not share their gridpoint" +
" dimensions.")
if self.geometry.dimensions != other.geometry.dimensions:
raise epygramError("operations on fields cannot be done if" +
" fields do not share their gridpoint" +
" dimensions.")
if self.spectral_geometry != other.spectral_geometry:
raise epygramError("operations on fields cannot be done if" +
" fields do not share their spectral" +
" geometry.")
super(D3Field, self)._check_operands(other)
[docs] def getlevel(self, level=None, k=None):
"""Returns self. Useless but for compatibility reasons."""
if k is None and level is None:
raise epygramError("You must give k or level.")
if k is not None and level is not None:
raise epygramError("You cannot give, at the same time, k and level")
if level is not None:
if level not in self.geometry.vcoordinate.levels:
raise epygramError("The requested level does not exist.")
return self
# (but useful and rather standard) !
# [so that, subject to continuation through updated versions,
# including suggestions/developments by users...]
[docs] def morph_with_points(self, points,
Perturb the field values with the values of a set of points.
:param points: a list/fieldset of PointField.
:param alpha: is the blending value, ranging from 0. to 1.:
e.g. with 'nearest' morphing, the final value of the point is
alpha*point.value + (1-alpha)*original_field.value
:param morphing: is the way the point modify the field:\n
- 'nearest': only the nearest point is modified
- 'exp_decay': modifies the surrounding points with an isotrop
exponential decay weighting
- 'gaussian': modifies the surrounding points with an isotrop
gaussian weighting. Its standard deviation *sigma* must then
be passed as argument, in meters. Weightingassumed to be 0. from
:param increment: if True, the final value of the point is
original_field.value + point.value
assert isinstance(points, list)
assert all([isinstance(p, PointField) for p in points])
if len(self.validity) != 1:
raise NotImplementedError('morph field with a time dimension.')
for p in points:
if morphing == 'nearest':
lon = p.geometry.grid['longitudes'][0]
lat = p.geometry.grid['latitudes'][0]
i, j = self.geometry.ll2ij(lon, lat)
i = int(i)
j = int(j)
if increment:
self._data[:, :, j, i] = self._data[:, :, j, i] + p.getdata()
self._data[:, :, j, i] = alpha * p.getdata() + (1. - alpha) * self._data[:, :, j, i]
elif morphing == 'gaussian':
sigma = kwargs['sigma']
lon = p.geometry.grid['longitudes'][0]
lat = p.geometry.grid['latitudes'][0]
zero_radius = 3. * sigma
selection_points_ij = self.geometry.nearest_points(lon, lat, request={'radius':zero_radius, 'shape':'circle'})
selection_points_ll = self.geometry.ij2ll([sp[0] for sp in selection_points_ij], [sp[1] for sp in selection_points_ij])
selection_points_ll = [(selection_points_ll[0][k], selection_points_ll[1][k]) for k in range(len(selection_points_ll[0]))]
for sp in selection_points_ll:
distance = self.geometry.distance((lon, lat), sp)
if distance <= zero_radius:
(i, j) = selection_points_ij[selection_points_ll.index(sp)]
if increment:
local_alpha = numpy.exp(-distance ** 2. / (2. * sigma ** 2))
self._data[:, :, j, i] = self._data[:, :, j, i] + local_alpha * p.getdata()
local_alpha = alpha * numpy.exp(-distance ** 2. / (2. * sigma ** 2))
self._data[:, :, j, i] = local_alpha * p.getdata() + (1. - local_alpha) * self._data[:, :, j, i]
raise NotImplementedError("morphing: " + morphing + " :not yet.")