Source code for epygram.formats.conversion.functions

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) Météo France (2014-)
# This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law.
Conversion functions (API).
import time

import footprints
from bronx.fancies.display import printstatus

from .. import resource as eopen

epylog = footprints.loggers.getLogger(__name__)
fmt_dict = {'grb':'GRIB', 'nc':'netCDF', 'geo':'GeoPoints'}

[docs] def fid_converter(initial_fid, initial_fmt, target_fmt, grib_short_fid=False): """ Creates and returns the fid in format *target_fmt* from an *initial_fid* in *initial_fmt*. *grib_short_fid* condense GRIB fid in string. """ if initial_fmt == 'generic' and target_fmt == 'GRIB2': target_fid = copy.copy(initial_fid) elif initial_fmt == 'GRIB' and target_fmt in ('netCDF', 'GeoPoints'): # TODO: ? this is very basic ! if grib_short_fid: target_fid = '-'.join([str(initial_fid[k]) for k in sorted(initial_fid.keys())]) else: target_fid = str(initial_fid).replace(' ', '').replace("'", "").replace("{", "_") """ FIXME: doesn't work try: from .GRIB import namesgribdef fid = copy.copy(initial_fid) fid.pop('name', None) fid.pop('shortName', None) fid.pop('editionNumber', None) fid.pop('tablesVersion', None) cfVarName = namesgribdef.cfVarName(fid, 'grib{}'.format(initial_fid['editionNumber'])) if len(cfVarName) == 1: target_fid = list(cfVarName.keys())[0] except Exception: pass""" else: raise NotImplementedError("this kind of conversion.") return target_fid
[docs] def convert(filename, output_format_suffix, get_write_kwargs=lambda *args:{}, fieldseed=None, subzone=None, grib_short_fid=False, progressmode=None, **kwargs): """ Conversion function. :param filename: name of the file to be processed. :param output_format_suffix: among 'grb' (GRIB2), 'nc' (netCDF4), 'geo' (GeoPoints) :param get_write_kwargs: function that gives the necessary write options :param fieldseed: either a fid or a list of fid, used as a seed for generating the list of fields to be processed. :param subzone: LAM zone among ('C', 'CI', None). :param grib_short_fid: condense GRIB fid as string, in case converting a GRIB file. :param progressmode: among ('verbose', 'percentage', None) Other kwargs are specific to output formats, and passed to get_write_kwargs(), wherein they can be handled whatever for... """ t0 = time.time() if output_format_suffix == 'geo': one_output_file = False else: one_output_file = True resource = eopen(filename, openmode='r') if one_output_file: output_resource = eopen('.'.join([filename, output_format_suffix]), openmode='w', fmt=fmt_dict[output_format_suffix]) # warnings about formats if resource.format not in ('GRIB', 'FA'): epylog.warning(" ".join(["tool NOT TESTED with format", resource.format, "!"])) if output_format_suffix not in ('grb', 'nc', 'geo'): epylog.warning(" ".join(["tool NOT TESTED with output format", fmt_dict[output_format_suffix], "!"])) fidlist = resource.find_fields_in_resource(seed=fieldseed, fieldtype='H2D') numfields = len(fidlist) if progressmode == 'percentage': n = 0 printstatus(n, numfields) n += 1 # loop over fields for f in fidlist: if progressmode == 'verbose': field = resource.readfield(f) if not field.geometry.grid.get('LAMzone', False): subzone = None # options for write write_kwargs = get_write_kwargs(resource, field, kwargs) if field.spectral: field.sp2gp() if subzone is not None: field.select_subzone(subzone) # output fid if resource.format == 'GRIB': grib_edition = field.fid[list(field.fid.keys())[0]]['editionNumber'] fid = field.fid['GRIB' + str(grib_edition)] else: fid = field.fid[resource.format] if output_format_suffix == 'grb': if 'generic' not in field.fid: raise NotImplementedError("how to convert this fid to GRIB2 ?") field.fid['GRIB2'] = fid_converter(field.fid['generic'], 'generic', 'GRIB2') assert all([k in field.fid['GRIB2'] for k in ('discipline', 'parameterCategory', 'parameterNumber')]), \ "missing key(s) among ('discipline', 'parameterCategory', 'parameterNumber')" else: try: field.fid[fmt_dict[output_format_suffix]] = fid_converter(fid, resource.format, fmt_dict[output_format_suffix], grib_short_fid=grib_short_fid) except NotImplementedError: field.fid[fmt_dict[output_format_suffix]] = str(field.fid[resource.format]) # now write field ! if not one_output_file: if output_format_suffix == 'geo': output_resource = eopen('.'.join([filename, field.fid[fmt_dict[output_format_suffix]], output_format_suffix]), openmode='w', fmt=fmt_dict[output_format_suffix], other_attributes=({'FORMAT':'XYV'} if kwargs.get('llv') else None), columns=kwargs.get('columns'), no_header=kwargs.get('no_header', False) ) else: output_resource = eopen('.'.join([filename, field.fid[fmt_dict[output_format_suffix]], output_format_suffix]), openmode='w', fmt=fmt_dict[output_format_suffix]) output_resource.writefield(field, **write_kwargs) # print progress if requested if progressmode == 'percentage': printstatus(n, numfields) n += 1 t1 = time.time() return ' '.join([filename, ":", str(numfields), "fields successfully converted from", resource.format, "to", fmt_dict[output_format_suffix], "in", str(t1 - t0), "s."])
[docs] def batch_convert(filenames, output_format_suffix, threads_number=1, progressmode=None, **kwargs): """ Converts a series of files to *output_format_suffix* in batch. Mandatory arguments: :param filenames: name(s) of the files to be processed :param output_format_suffix: among 'grb' (GRIB2), 'nc' (netCDF4), 'geo' (GeoPoints) Technical named (optional) arguments: :param threads_number: parallelisation of files processing :param progressmode: among ('verbose', 'percentage', None) Other named arguments depend on the output format, and are defined in the Workers footprints attributes ! """ import taylorism # build a dummy Converter of the right type dummy_converter = footprints.proxy.worker(filename='', output_format_suffix=output_format_suffix) instructions_keys = dummy_converter.footprint_attributes del dummy_converter # build instructions common_instructions = {k:v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in instructions_keys} # standard instructions for converters common_instructions['output_format_suffix'] = output_format_suffix if threads_number == 1: common_instructions['progressmode'] = progressmode if isinstance(filenames, str): filenames = [filenames] individual_instructions = {'filename':filenames} # run ! taylorism.batch_main(common_instructions, individual_instructions, scheduler=footprints.proxy.scheduler(limit='threads', max_threads=threads_number), verbose=(progressmode == 'verbose'))