Source code for epygram.util

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) Météo France (2014-)
# This software is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law.
Some useful utilities...

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division, unicode_literals
import six

import math
import copy
import numpy
import sys
import datetime
import hashlib
import os
from six.moves.urllib.request import urlopen  # @UnresolvedImport

from footprints import FootprintBase
from import (add_cmap,
from bronx.syntax.decorators import nicedeco
from bronx.fancies import loggers

from . import config, epygramError
from .colormapping import register_colormap_from_json

epylog = loggers.getLogger(__name__)

class CheckAttribute(object):
    def add_attr(self, name, set_check, error_message, extra=None):
        :param name: name of the attribute
        :param set_check: function called each time the attribute is modified to check
                          the validity of new value. This function takes two arguments:
                            - the value to test
                            - the extra parameter
                          To enable pickle to be used, functions must be named (no lambda)
                          and not local (nested functions).
        :param error_message: message to display in assertion when value is not valid
        :param extra: an argument to provide to the test function

        The method adds a control on the authorised value of an attribute
        assert isinstance(name, str), "*name* must be a string"
        assert callable(set_check), "*set_check* must be callable"
        assert isinstance(error_message, str), "*error_message* must be a string"
        if not hasattr(self, '_epyattr'):
            super().__setattr__('_epyattr', {})
        self._epyattr[name] = (set_check, error_message, extra)

    def add_attr_int(self, name):
        :param name: name of the attribute
        The method adds a control to check if the attribute is an integer
        return self.add_attr_class(name, int)

    def add_attr_str(self, name):
        :param name: name of the attribute
        The method adds a control to check if the attribute is a string
        return self.add_attr_class(name, str)

    def add_attr_float(self, name):
        :param name: name of the attribute
        The method adds a control to check if the attribute is a float
        return self.add_attr_class(name, float)

    def add_attr_list(self, name):
        :param name: name of the attribute
        The method adds a control to check if the attribute is a list
        return self.add_attr_class(name, list)

    def add_attr_dict(self, name):
        :param name: name of the attribute
        The method adds a control to check if the attribute is a dict
        return self.add_attr_class(name, dict)

    def _inlist(x, values): return x in values
    def add_attr_inlist(self, name, values):
        :param name: name of the attribute
        :param values: authorised values
        The method adds a control to check if the attribute value is allowed
        assert isinstance(values, list), "*values* must be a list"
        return self.add_attr(name, self._inlist,
                             "*{name}* (={value}) must be a among {values}".format(name=name,

    def add_attr_class(self, name, cls):
        :param name: name of the attribute
        :param cls: authorised class
        The method adds a control to check if the attribute is an instance of *cls*
        return self.add_attr(name, isinstance,
                             "*{name}* must be a {clsc} instance (and not a {cls})".format(name=name,

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        if not hasattr(self, '_epyattr'):
            super().__setattr__('_epyattr', {})
        if name in self._epyattr:
            assert self._epyattr[name][0](value, self._epyattr[name][2]), \
                   self._epyattr[name][1].format(cls=type(value).__name__, value=value)
        super().__setattr__(name, value)

[docs]class RecursiveObject(CheckAttribute): """ Generic abstract class implementing useful recursive properties: - display of object: the *__str__* method returns str(attr) for each of the object's attributes, with automatical indentation for readability. - test of (in)equality: the a == b test will be true if a and b have the same attributes and *a.attr == b.attr* for each attribute. """ # ghost attributes are ignored when comparing 2 objects between them _ghost_attributes = ['_epyattr'] def _strItem(self, item, reclevel=1): """Recursive display of object attributes.""" offset = "".rjust(reclevel * 4) itemstring = "" if isinstance(item, FootprintBase): itemstring += item.__class__.__name__ + " containing:" for attr in item.__dict__.keys(): if attr == '_attributes': for i in item.__dict__[attr].keys(): itemstring += "\n" + offset + i + ": " + self._strItem(item.__dict__[attr][i], reclevel + 1) elif attr not in ('_puredict', '_observer', '_epyattr'): itemstring += "\n" + offset + attr + ": " + self._strItem(item.__dict__[attr], reclevel + 1) elif isinstance(item, list): if len(item) > 0: if isinstance(item[0], RecursiveObject): itemstring = "[" + repr(item[0]) + ", ... (" + \ str(len(item)) + " objects)]" else: itemstring = str(numpy.array(item)) else: itemstring = "[]" elif isinstance(item, RecursiveObject): itemstring += item.__class__.__name__ + " containing:" for attr in item.__dict__.keys(): if attr != '_epyattr': itemstring += "\n" + offset + attr + ": " + self._strItem(item.__dict__[attr], reclevel + 1) elif isinstance(item, dict): for key in sorted(item.keys()): itemstring += "\n" + offset + str(key) + ": " + self._strItem(item[key], reclevel + 1) else: itemstring = str(item) return itemstring def __str__(self): """ Recursive display of object: displays each of its attributes with indentation. """ return self._strItem(self) def __eq__(self, other): """Test of equality by recursion on the object's attributes.""" return self.tolerant_equal(other, tolerance=0.) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): # known issue __eq__/__hash__ must be defined both or none, else inheritance is broken return object.__hash__(self)
[docs] def tolerant_equal(self, other, tolerance=config.epsilon): """ Test of equality by recursion on the object's attributes, with a **tolerance**. """ ok = True if self.__class__ == other.__class__: self_attrs = set([k for k in self.__dict__.keys() if k not in self._ghost_attributes]) other_attrs = set([k for k in other.__dict__.keys() if k not in other._ghost_attributes]) if self_attrs != other_attrs: ok = False else: for attr in self_attrs: if not Comparator.are_equal(self.__dict__[attr], other.__dict__[attr], tolerance): ok = False #print(attr) #print(ok) #print(Comparator.diff(self.__dict__[attr], # other.__dict__[attr])) break else: ok = False return ok
[docs] def copy(self): """Returns a copy of the object.""" return copy.copy(self)
[docs] def deepcopy(self): """Returns a deepcopy of the object.""" return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def recursive_diff(self, other): """Recursively list what differs from **other**.""" if not self.__eq__(other): diff = {} if self.__class__ == other.__class__: if isinstance(self, FootprintBase): self_dict = self._attributes other_dict = other._attributes else: self_dict = {k:v for k,v in self.__dict__.items() if k not in self._ghost_attributes} other_dict = {k:v for k,v in other.__dict__.items() if k not in self._ghost_attributes} diff = Comparator.diff(self_dict, other_dict) else: diff['__class__'] = (str(self.__class__), str(other.__class__)) return diff
class Comparator(object): """Helper to recursively compare objects.""" @classmethod def _float_are_equal(cls, float1, float2, tolerance): # tolerance for floats return nearlyEqual(float1, float2, tolerance) @classmethod def _array_are_equal(cls, array1, array2, tolerance): if tolerance == 0.: return numpy.all(array1 == array2) else: if (array1.dtype == array2.dtype and array1.dtype in [numpy.dtype(d) for d in ['float16', 'float32', 'float64']]): # tolerance for floats return numpy.all(nearlyEqualArray(array1, array2, tolerance)) else: return numpy.all(array1 == array2) @classmethod def _dict_are_equal(cls, dict1, dict2, tolerance): if set(dict1.keys()) == set(dict2.keys()): ok = True for k in dict1.keys(): if not cls.are_equal(dict1[k], dict2[k], tolerance): # print("------------not equal", k) ok = False break return ok else: return False @classmethod def _dict_diff(cls, dict1, dict2): if not cls.are_equal(dict1, dict2, 1e-17): diff = {} keys1 = set(dict1.keys()) keys2 = set(dict2.keys()) for k in keys1.intersection(keys2): if not cls.are_equal(dict1[k], dict2[k], 1e-17): diff[k] = cls.diff(dict1[k], dict2[k]) for k in keys1.difference(keys2): diff[k] = (dict1[k], None) for k in keys2.difference(keys1): diff[k] = (None, dict2[k]) return diff @classmethod def _list_are_equal(cls, list1, list2, tolerance): if len(list1) != len(list2): return False else: ok = True for i in range(len(list1)): if not cls.are_equal(list1[i], list2[i], tolerance): ok = False break return ok @classmethod def are_equal(cls, obj1, obj2, tolerance=0.): """Checks equality of objects.""" if isinstance(obj1, float) and isinstance(obj2, float): return cls._float_are_equal(obj1, obj2, tolerance) elif isinstance(obj1, numpy.ndarray) and isinstance(obj2, numpy.ndarray): return cls._array_are_equal(obj1, obj2, tolerance) elif isinstance(obj1, dict) and isinstance(obj2, dict): return cls._dict_are_equal(obj1, obj2, tolerance) elif isinstance(obj1, (list, tuple)) and isinstance(obj2, (list, tuple)): return cls._list_are_equal(obj1, obj2, tolerance) elif isinstance(obj1, RecursiveObject) and isinstance(obj2, RecursiveObject): return obj1.tolerant_equal(obj2, tolerance) else: return obj1 == obj2 @classmethod def diff(cls, obj1, obj2): """Inspect differences between objects.""" if not cls.are_equal(obj1, obj2, 1e-17): if isinstance(obj1, RecursiveObject) and isinstance(obj2, RecursiveObject): return obj1.recursive_diff(obj2) elif isinstance(obj1, dict) and isinstance(obj2, dict): return cls._dict_diff(obj1, obj2) else: return obj1, obj2
[docs]class Angle(RecursiveObject): """ This class handles an angle. It enables conversions of units, while saving the original unit and value of the angle at its construction. Available units: 'degrees', 'radians', 'cos_sin' (cos, sin), 'DMS' (Degree, Minutes, Seconds). """ deg = 'degrees' rad = 'radians' trig = 'cos_sin' dms = 'DMS' units = set([deg, dms, rad, trig]) def __init__(self, value, unit): """ Constructor. 'unit' argument must be among: - 'degrees', - 'DMS' - in which case, value is a tuple (degrees, minutes, seconds), - 'radians', - 'cos_sin' - in which case, value is a tuple (cos, sin). """ if unit in Angle.units: self.__dict__['_' + unit] = value if unit in ('degrees', 'radians'): # get modulo around 0. if unit == 'degrees': circle = 360. elif unit == 'radians': circle = 2. * math.pi while self.__dict__['_' + unit] > circle / 2.: self.__dict__['_' + unit] -= circle while self.__dict__['_' + unit] < -circle / 2.: self.__dict__['_' + unit] += circle else: raise ValueError("this angle unit is not implemented: " + str(unit)) self._origin_unit = unit self._origin_value = value def __hash__(self): return hash(self._origin_value) + hash(self._origin_unit) def __mul__(self, factor): return Angle(self.get('radians') * factor, 'radians') def __div__(self, factor): return Angle(self.get('radians') / factor, 'radians') def __add__(self, other): assert isinstance(other, Angle) return Angle(self.get('radians') + other.get('radians'), 'radians') def __sub__(self, other): assert isinstance(other, Angle) return Angle(self.get('radians') - other.get('radians'), 'radians')
[docs] def get(self, unit=None): """ Returns the angle in the requested unit. If no unit is supplied, the origin unit is used. """ if unit is None: unit = self._origin_unit # or a default one ? elif unit in Angle.units: if not '_' + unit in self.__dict__: self._compute(unit) else: raise ValueError("this angle unit is not implemented: " + str(unit)) return self.__dict__['_' + unit]
def _compute(self, unit): """ Compute the angle in the requested unit, from the original one. See constructor for more details about units. """ # conversion to degrees if unit == Angle.deg: if self._origin_unit == Angle.rad: self.__dict__['_' + unit] = math.degrees(self._origin_value) elif self._origin_unit == Angle.trig: self.__dict__['_' + unit] = math.degrees( math.copysign(math.acos(self._origin_value[0]), self._origin_value[1])) elif self._origin_unit == Angle.dms: self.__dict__['_' + unit] = (self._origin_value[0] + self._origin_value[1] / 60. + self._origin_value[2] / 3600.) else: raise NotImplementedError("conversion from this unit (" + self._origin_unit + ") is not coded.") # conversion to radians elif unit == Angle.rad: if self._origin_unit == Angle.deg: self.__dict__['_' + unit] = math.radians(self._origin_value) elif self._origin_unit == Angle.trig: self.__dict__['_' + unit] = math.copysign( math.acos(self._origin_value[0]), self._origin_value[1]) elif self._origin_unit == Angle.dms: self.__dict__['_' + unit] = math.radians(self._origin_value[0] + self._origin_value[1] / 60. + self._origin_value[2] / 3600.) else: raise NotImplementedError("conversion from this unit (" + self._origin_unit + ") is not coded.") # conversion to (cos, sin) elif unit == Angle.trig: if self._origin_unit == Angle.deg: self.__dict__['_' + unit] = (math.cos(math.radians(self._origin_value)), math.sin(math.radians(self._origin_value))) elif self._origin_unit == Angle.rad: self.__dict__['_' + unit] = (math.cos(self._origin_value), math.sin(self._origin_value)) elif self._origin_unit == Angle.dms: anglerad = math.radians(self._origin_value[0] + self._origin_value[1] / 60. + self._origin_value[2] / 3600.) self.__dict__['_' + unit] = (math.cos(anglerad), math.sin(anglerad)) else: raise NotImplementedError("conversion from this unit (" + self._origin_unit + ") is not coded.") # conversion to (degrees, minutes, seconds) elif unit == Angle.dms: if self._origin_unit == Angle.deg: decdeg = self._origin_value elif self._origin_unit == Angle.rad: decdeg = math.degrees(self._origin_value) elif self._origin_unit == Angle.trig: decdeg = math.degrees(math.copysign(math.acos(self._origin_value[0]), self._origin_value[1])) else: raise NotImplementedError("conversion from this unit (" + self._origin_unit + ") is not coded.") sign = int(math.copysign(1, decdeg)) decdeg = decdeg * sign degrees = int(decdeg) decmin = (decdeg - degrees) * 60. minutes = int(decmin) seconds = (decmin - minutes) * 60 self.__dict__['_' + unit] = (degrees * sign, minutes, seconds) else: raise NotImplementedError("conversion to this unit (" + unit + ") is not coded.")
[docs] def tolerant_equal(self, other, tolerance=config.epsilon): """ Redefinition because of dynamism of buffering new computed values... """ if not isinstance(other, Angle): return False if abs(self.get('degrees') - degrees_nearest_mod(other.get('degrees'), self.get('degrees'))) <= tolerance: ok = True else: ok = False return ok
[docs] def recursive_diff(self, other): if self != other: return {'_origin_unit': Comparator.diff(self._origin_unit, other._origin_unit), '_origin_value': Comparator.diff(self._origin_value, other._origin_value)}
# FUNCTIONS # ############# def is_scalar(x): """ Returns True if argument is scalar """ return numpy.ndim(x) == 0 def as_numpy_array(x): """ Returns a numpy (ma) array """ if isinstance(x, list): missing = set([item.fill_value for item in x if isinstance(item,]) if len(missing) > 0: return, fill_value=missing.pop() if len(missing) == 1 else None)) else: return numpy.atleast_1d(numpy.asanyarray(x)) else: return numpy.atleast_1d(numpy.asanyarray(x))
[docs]def find_re_in_list(regexp, a_list): """ Finds all elements from a list that match a regular expression. The regexp and the different elements of the list must be of the same type: - strings - tuples with the same length - dictionnaries: all regexp keys must be keys of the list """ def check_string_pattern(pattern, element): import re if not isinstance(pattern, six.string_types) or \ not isinstance(element, six.string_types): raise epygramError("pattern and element must be strings in \ check_string_pattern function.") # protect '.' mypattern = re.subn('\.', r'\.', pattern)[0] # change unix '?' to python '.' (any char) mypattern = mypattern.replace('?', '.') # change unix '*' to python '.*' (several any char) mypattern = mypattern.replace('*', '.*') mypattern += '(?!.)' return re.match(mypattern, element.strip()) found = [] if isinstance(regexp, six.string_types): for field in a_list: if check_string_pattern(regexp, str(field)): found.append(field) elif isinstance(regexp, tuple): for field in a_list: if not isinstance(field, tuple): raise epygramError("pattern and elements of the list must be of\ the same type (tuples here).") if len(regexp) != len(field): raise epygramError("pattern and elements of the list must be\ tuples of the same length.") ok = True for i in range(len(regexp)): ok = ok and check_string_pattern(str(regexp[i]), str(field[i])) if ok: found.append(field) elif isinstance(regexp, dict): raise NotImplementedError("the dictionnary type of regexp is not yet\ implemented.") else: raise NotImplementedError("this type of regexp is not (yet?)\ implemented.") return found
[docs]def degrees_nearest_mod(d, ref): """Returns the angle(s) **d** in the modulo nearest to **ref**.""" try: _ = len(d) scalar = False except Exception: d = [d] scalar = True d = numpy.array(d) d_inf = d - 360. d_sup = d + 360. result = d_sup mask = numpy.logical_and(numpy.abs(d - ref) <= numpy.abs(d_sup - ref), numpy.abs(d - ref) <= numpy.abs(d_inf - ref)) result[mask] = d[mask] mask = numpy.logical_and(numpy.abs(d_inf - ref) <= numpy.abs(d_sup - ref), numpy.abs(d_inf - ref) <= numpy.abs(d - ref)) result[mask] = d_inf[mask] if scalar: result = result[0] return result
[docs]def positive_longitudes(lons): """Returns numpy array *lons* forced (modulo) in [0;360[.""" positive = lons + 360. mask = lons >= 0. positive[mask] = lons[mask] return positive
[docs]def longitudes_between_minus180_180(lons): """Returns numpy array *lons* forced (modulo) in ]-180;180].""" newlons = positive_longitudes(lons) negative_lons = newlons - 360. mask = newlons > 180. newlons[mask] = negative_lons[mask] return newlons
[docs]def positive_longitude(lon, unit='degrees'): """Returns *lon* shifted in [0;360[ or [0;2pi[ (depending on *unit*).""" if lon < 0.: if unit == 'degrees': lon += 360. elif unit == 'radians': lon += 2. * numpy.pi else: raise NotImplementedError() return lon
def get_file(url, filename, authorize_cache=True, subst=None): """ Get file from url into filename. If authorize_cache is True and a directory is set for caching in user preferences, file is first searched in cache directory, downloaded in the cache directory if missing, then filename is built as a symlink to the file in cache directory. This way, filename must be always deleted by the caller. :param url: url to get :param filename: filename in which to put the result :param authorize_cache: authorize to use cache (if possible) for this request :param subst: dictionary whose keys are searched in url to be replaced by corresponding key example: url='${z}/${x}/${y}.png' subst={'${z}': 4, '${x}': 8, '${y}': 5} will get the file """ def md5(s): h = hashlib.md5() h.update(s) return h.hexdigest() # Substitution actual_url = url if subst is not None: for k, v in subst.items(): actual_url = actual_url.replace(str(k), str(v)) if authorize_cache and config.internet_cache_dir is not None: # Corresponding file name in cache url_hash = md5(url.encode('UTF8')) actual_url_hash = md5(actual_url.encode('UTF8')) if url_hash != actual_url_hash: directory = os.path.join(config.internet_cache_dir, url_hash) if not os.path.exists(directory): os.mkdir(directory) cache_filename = os.path.join(directory, actual_url_hash) else: cache_filename = os.path.join(config.internet_cache_dir, url_hash) # Cache filling if not os.path.exists(cache_filename): get_file(actual_url, cache_filename, authorize_cache=False, subst=None) # Symlink if os.path.exists(filename): os.remove(filename) os.symlink(cache_filename, filename) else: with open(filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(urlopen(actual_url).read())
[docs]def load_cmap(cmap): """ Reads and registers the epygram-or-user-colormap called *cmap*, which must be either in config.epygram_colormaps or config.usercolormaps. Works with both old-way (.cmap) and new way (.json). """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if cmap not in plt.colormaps() and cmap in config.colormaps: filename = config.colormaps[cmap] if filename.endswith('.json'): return register_colormap_from_json(filename) else: epylog.warning(_deprecated_cmap) with open(filename, 'r') as ocm: add_cmap(cmap, ocm)
_deprecated_cmap = ' '.join(["the use of '.cmap' user colormaps is deprecated,", "(and not possible with cartoplot());", "move to json format, using epygram.moves.cmap2json()"]) formatting_default_widths = (50, 20) separation_line = '{:-^{width}}'.format('', width=sum(formatting_default_widths) + 1) + '\n'
[docs]def write_formatted(dest, label, value, align='<', firstcolumn_width=formatting_default_widths[0], secondcolumn_width=formatting_default_widths[1]): dest.write(('{:' + align + '{width}}').format(label, width=firstcolumn_width) + ':' + '{:>{width}}'.format(str(value), width=secondcolumn_width) + '\n')
[docs]def write_formatted_fields(dest, label, value=None, compression=None, firstcolumn_width=formatting_default_widths[0], secondcolumn_width=formatting_default_widths[1]): if compression is None: if value is None: dest.write('{:<{width}}'.format(label, width=20) + '\n') else: dest.write('{:<{width}}'.format(label, width=20) + ':' + '{:^{width}}'.format(str(value), width=10) + '\n') else: line = '{:<{width}}'.format(label, width=20) + \ ':' + \ '{:^{width}}'.format(str(value), width=10) + \ ':' + \ compression + \ '\n' dest.write(line)
[docs]def write_formatted_dict(dest, fid, sort_function=sorted): name = fid.pop('name') dest.write('name: ' + name + '\n') for k in sort_function(fid.keys()): dest.write(' ' + str(k) + ': ' + str(fid[k]) + '\n')
[docs]def write_formatted_table(dest, table, alignments=['<', '^'], precision=6, float_type='E'): """ A table is meant to be : <str> <str> <str> ... <str> <num> <num> ... ... ... ... ... """ float_style = ' {: .{precision}{type}} ' array = numpy.array(table, dtype=str) columns_dimension = [len(c) + 2 for c in array[0, :]] columns_dimension[0] = max([len(c) + 1 for c in array[:, 0]]) float_len = len(float_style.format(2. / 3., type=float_type, precision=precision)) + 1 # +1 for x < 1E-100 columns_dimension[1:] = [max(float_len, c) for c in columns_dimension[1:]] for i in range(array.shape[0]): elements = [] for elem in table[i][1:]: if isinstance(elem, six.string_types): elements.append(elem) elif isinstance(elem, float) or isinstance(elem, int): elements.append(float_style.format(elem, precision=precision, type=float_type)) else: elements.append('-') line = ('{:' + alignments[0] + '{width}}').format(table[i][0], width=columns_dimension[0]) line += ''.join([('{:' + alignments[1] + '{width}}').format(elements[j], width=columns_dimension[j + 1]) for j in range(len(elements))]) dest.write(line + '\n')
def auto_meridians_parallels(geometry, meridians='auto', parallels='auto', extent='focus'): """ Compute meridians and parallels. *meridians* and *parallels* enable to fine-tune the choice of lines to plot, with either: - 'auto': automatic scaling to the map extents - 'default': range(0,360,10) and range(-90,90,10) - a list of values - a grid step, e.g. 5 to plot each 5 degree. - None: no one is plot :param extent: among 'focus' or 'global', used to determine outer limits """ def Delta2delta(Delta): if Delta <= 10: delta = 1 elif 10 < Delta <= 30: delta = 5 elif 30 < Delta <= 180: delta = 10 else: delta = 20 return delta # meridians # TODO: stereopol : all ! + parallels enough ? if meridians is None or meridians == 0.: meridians = [] elif meridians == 'default' or (meridians == 'auto' and ('gauss' in or == 'polar_stereographic')): meridians = numpy.arange(0, 370, 10) elif meridians == 'auto' or isinstance(meridians, int) or isinstance(meridians, float): if extent == 'focus': minmax = geometry.minmax_ll() else: minmax = {'lonmax': 180, 'lonmin': -180, 'latmax': 90, 'latmin': -90} if meridians == 'auto': delta_lon = Delta2delta(minmax['lonmax'] - minmax['lonmin']) else: delta_lon = float(meridians) lonmin = minmax['lonmin'] - minmax['lonmin'] % delta_lon if numpy.isinf(minmax['lonmax']): lonmax = lonmin + 360. else: lonmax = minmax['lonmax'] - minmax['lonmax'] % delta_lon + 2 * delta_lon lonmax = min(lonmax, lonmin + 360.) # space-view geometry used to return 1.E30 as lonmax meridians = numpy.arange(lonmin, lonmax + delta_lon, delta_lon) if max(meridians) > 180.: meridians = meridians - 180. # FIXME: cartopy does not plot meridians > 180° # parallels if parallels is None or parallels == 0.: parallels = [] elif parallels == 'default' or ('gauss' in and parallels == 'auto'): parallels = numpy.arange(-90, 100, 10) elif parallels == 'auto' or isinstance(parallels, int) or isinstance(parallels, float): if extent == 'focus': minmax = geometry.minmax_ll() else: minmax = {'lonmax': 180, 'lonmin': -180, 'latmax': 90, 'latmin': -90} if parallels == 'auto': delta_lat = Delta2delta(minmax['latmax'] - minmax['latmin']) else: delta_lat = float(parallels) latmin = minmax['latmin'] - minmax['latmin'] % delta_lat if latmin <= -90: latmin += delta_lat if numpy.isinf(minmax['latmax']): latmax = 90. else: latmax = minmax['latmax'] - minmax['latmax'] % delta_lat + 2 * delta_lat latmax = min(latmax, 90.) # space-view geometry used to return 1.E30 as latmax if latmax >= 90: latmax -= delta_lat parallels = numpy.arange(latmin, latmax + delta_lat, delta_lat) return list(meridians), list(parallels)
[docs]def nearlyEqual(a, b, epsilon=config.epsilon): """ Function to compare floats Float.MIN_NORMAL was replaced by sys.float_info.min Float.MAX_VALUE was replaced by sys.float_info.max """ absA = numpy.abs(a) absB = numpy.abs(b) diff = numpy.abs(a - b) if a == b: # shortcut, handles infinities return True elif a == 0 or b == 0 or diff < sys.float_info.min: # a or b is zero or both are extremely close to it # relative error is less meaningful here return diff < (epsilon * sys.float_info.min) else: # use relative error return diff / min((absA + absB), sys.float_info.max) < epsilon
nearlyEqualArray = numpy.vectorize(nearlyEqual) nearlyEqualArray.__doc__ = "Vector version of nearlyEqual()."
[docs]def restrain_to_index_i_of_dim_d(a, i, d, n=None): """ Of an array a[d1, d2, d3, ... dn], returns the array restricted to index **i** of the dimension **d**. :param a: the input array :param i: index in dimension **d** :param d: the dimension to restrain :param n: specify *a priori* the number of dimensions of **a** A more elegant solution would have been the following, but it does not work when accessing netCDF variable (for which it was necessary):: indexes = [range(len(self._dimensions[d])) for d in variable.dimensions] # equivalent to [:, :, :, ...] for k in only.keys(): indexes[variable.dimensions.index(k)] = [only[k]] # restrain to the "only" give return array[numpy.ix_(*indexes)] """ if n is None: n = len(a.shape) if n == 1: ra = a[[i]] elif n == 2: if d == 0: ra = a[[i], :] else: ra = a[:, [i]] elif n == 3: if d == 0: ra = a[[i], :, :] elif d == 1: ra = a[:, [i], :] else: ra = a[:, :, [i]] elif n == 4: if d == 0: ra = a[[i], :, :, :] elif d == 1: ra = a[:, [i], :, :] elif d == 2: ra = a[:, :, [i], :] else: ra = a[:, :, :, [i]] elif n == 5: if d == 0: ra = a[[i], :, :, :, :] elif d == 1: ra = a[:, [i], :, :, :] elif d == 2: ra = a[:, :, [i], :, :] elif d == 3: ra = a[:, :, :, [i], :] else: ra = a[:, :, :, :, [i]] elif n == 6: if d == 0: ra = a[[i], :, :, :, :, :] elif d == 1: ra = a[:, [i], :, :, :, :] elif d == 2: ra = a[:, :, [i], :, :, :] elif d == 3: ra = a[:, :, :, [i], :, :] elif d == 4: ra = a[:, :, :, :, [i], :] else: ra = a[:, :, :, :, :, [i]] else: raise NotImplementedError("more than 5 dimensions in array.") return ra
[docs]def datetimes2fieldvaliditylist(datetimes, basis=None): """ Return a FieldValidityList from a list of datetime.datetime instances (or a single datetime.datetime). :param basis: can be either - None (default): basis = validity - a single datetime.datetime - a list of the same length as datetimes """ from epygram.base import FieldValidityList if isinstance(datetimes, datetime.datetime): assert (isinstance(basis, datetime.datetime) or (isinstance(basis, list) and isinstance(basis[0], datetime.datetime)) or basis is None) if isinstance(basis, list): fvl = FieldValidityList(date_time=[datetimes for _ in basis], basis=basis) else: fvl = FieldValidityList(date_time=datetimes, basis=basis) elif isinstance(datetimes, list) and isinstance(datetimes[0], datetime.datetime): assert (isinstance(basis, datetime.datetime) or basis is None or (isinstance(basis, list) and isinstance(basis[0], datetime.datetime) and len(basis) == len(datetimes))) if isinstance(basis, datetime.datetime) or basis is None: basis = [basis for _ in range(len(datetimes))] fvl = FieldValidityList(date_time=datetimes, basis=basis) else: raise TypeError("'datetimes' must be a datetime.datetime or a list of.") return fvl
[docs]def ifNone_emptydict(arg): """ Transforms a None into a {}. To be used as workaround for empty dicts in default values of methods. """ if arg is None: arg = {} return arg
[docs]def fmtfid(fmt, fid): """ Given a resource format name **fmt** and a (full) **fid**, returns the key corresponding the actual format of the field in resource. (Useful for distinguishing GRIB1/2) """ if fmt == 'GRIB': if 'GRIB1' in fid: fmtfid = 'GRIB1' else: fmtfid = 'GRIB2' else: fmtfid = fmt return fmtfid
def moveaxis(a, source, destination): """ Calls numpy.moveaxis(), or if numpy version is too old, emulates for simple cases. """ return numpy.moveaxis(a, source, destination) @nicedeco def call_before(mtd, hook_mtd): """Decorator for methods: call method hook_mtd before actually calling method.""" def hooked(self, *args, **kwargs): getattr(self, hook_mtd)() return mtd(self, *args, **kwargs) return hooked def mpl_interactive_backend(): """Return whether the matplotlib backend is an interactive one or not.""" import matplotlib noninteractive_backends = ('agg', 'cairo', 'pdf', 'pgf', 'ps', 'svg', 'template') if matplotlib.get_backend().lower() in noninteractive_backends: return False else: return True