— Interface-Class to the LFI format¶
Contains the class to handle LFI format.
- class epygram.formats.LFI.LFI(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Class implementing all specificities for LFI resource format.
This class is managed by footprint.
info: Not documented
priority: PriorityLevel::DEFAULT (rank=1)
Automatic parameters from the footprint:
compressed (
) - rwx - Compression flag.Optional. Default is False.
filename (
) - rxx - File name (absolute or relative) of the resource.fmtdelayedopen (
) - rxx - Opening of the resource delayed (not at time of construction).Optional. Default is False.
format (
) - rxx - Format of the resource.Optional. Default is ‘LFI’.
Values: set([‘LFI’])
moveOnMass (
) - rxx - If True, 3d fields are put on mass levelsOptional. Default is False.
openmode (
) - rxx - Opening mode.Values: set([‘write’, ‘a’, ‘read’, ‘append’, ‘r’, ‘w’])
Remap: dict(append = ‘a’, read = ‘r’, write = ‘w’,)
true3d (
) - rxx - If False, 3D fields are seen as a collection of H2D fieldsOptional. Default is False.
Constructor. See its footprint for arguments.
- compressed¶
Compression flag (see the documentation above for more details).
- extract_subdomain(*args, **kwargs)¶
Extracts a subdomain from the LFI resource, given its fid and the geometry to use.
- Parameters:
fid – must have syntax: (‘PARAMETER’, ‘*’) if not true3d else ‘PARAMETER’, * being a true star character, and PARAMETER being the name of the parameter requested, as named in LFI.
geometry – the geometry on which extract data. None to keep the geometry untouched.
vertical_coordinate – defines the requested vertical coordinate of the V2DField (cf. :module:`epygram.geometries` coordinate possible values).
- :param interpolation defines the interpolation function used to compute
the profile points locations from the fields grid:
if ‘nearest’, each horizontal point of the section is taken as the horizontal nearest neighboring gridpoint;
if ‘linear’ (default), each horizontal point of the section is computed with linear spline interpolation;
if ‘cubic’, each horizontal point of the section is computed with linear spline interpolation.
- Parameters:
exclude_extralevels – if True, not physical levels are removed
cheap_height – has no effect (compatibity with FA format)
global_shift_center – for global lon/lat grids, shift the center by the requested angle (in degrees). Enables a [0,360] grid to be shifted to a [-180,180] grid, for instance (with -180 argument).
- extractprofile(*args, **kwargs)¶
Extracts a vertical profile from the LFI resource, given its fid and the geographic location (lon/lat) of the profile.
- Parameters:
fid – must have syntax: (‘PARAMETER’, ‘*’) if not true3d, else ‘PARAMETER’, * being a true star character, and PARAMETER being the name of the parameter requested, as named in LFI.
lon – the longitude of the desired point.
lat – the latitude of the desired point.
geometry – the geometry on which extract data. If None, it is built from lon/lat.
vertical_coordinate – defines the requested vertical coordinate of the V1DField (cf. :module:`epygram.geometries` coordinate possible values).
interpolation –
defines the interpolation function used to compute the profile at requested lon/lat from the fields grid:
if ‘nearest’ (default), extracts profile at the horizontal nearest neighboring gridpoint;
if ‘linear’, computes profile with horizontal linear spline interpolation;
if ‘cubic’, computes profile with horizontal cubic spline interpolation.
external_distance – can be a dict containing the target point value and an external field on the same grid as self, to which the distance is computed within the 4 horizontally nearest points; e.g. {‘target_value’:4810, ‘external_field’:an_H2DField_with_same_geometry}. If so, the nearest point is selected with distance = |target_value - external_field.data|
cheap_height – has no effect (compatibity with FA format)
- extractsection(*args, **kwargs)¶
Extracts a vertical section from the LFI resource, given its fid and the geographic (lon/lat) coordinates of its ends. The section is returned as a V2DField.
- Parameters:
fid – must have syntax: (‘PARAMETER’, ‘*’) if not true3d else ‘PARAMETER’, * being a true star character, and PARAMETER being the name of the parameter requested, as named in LFI.
end1 – must be a tuple (lon, lat).
end2 – must be a tuple (lon, lat).
geometry – the geometry on which extract data. If None, defaults to linearily spaced positions computed from points_number.
points_number – defines the total number of horizontal points of the section (including ends). If None, defaults to a number computed from the ends and the resolution.
resolution – defines the horizontal resolution to be given to the field. If None, defaults to the horizontal resolution of the field.
vertical_coordinate – defines the requested vertical coordinate of the V2DField (cf. :module:`epygram.geometries` coordinate possible values).
interpolation –
defines the interpolation function used to compute the profile points locations from the fields grid:
if ‘nearest’, each horizontal point of the section is taken as the horizontal nearest neighboring gridpoint;
if ‘linear’ (default), each horizontal point of the section is computed with linear spline interpolation;
if ‘cubic’, each horizontal point of the section is computed with linear spline interpolation.
cheap_height – has no effect (compatibity with FA format)
global_shift_center – for global lon/lat grids, shift the center by the requested angle (in degrees). Enables a [0,360] grid to be shifted to a [-180,180] grid, for instance (with -180 argument).
- filename¶
File name (absolute or relative) of the resource (see the documentation above for more details).
- find_fields_in_resource(seed=None, fieldtype=[], generic=False)[source]¶
Returns a list of the fields from resource whose identifier match the given seed.
- Parameters:
seed –
might be:
a tuple of regular expressions,
a string meant to be converted to a tuple
a list of regular expressions tuples
None. If None (default), returns the list of all fields in resource.
If self.true3d: tuples are replaced by string
fieldtype – optional, among (‘H2D’, ‘Misc’) or a list of these strings. If provided, filters out the fields not of the given types.
generic – if True, returns a list of tuples (fieldname, generic fid) of the fields.
- fmtdelayedopen¶
Opening of the resource delayed (not at time of construction) (see the documentation above for more details).
- format¶
Format of the resource (see the documentation above for more details).
- listfields(**kwargs)[source]¶
Returns a list containing the LFI identifiers of all the fields of the resource.
- moveOnMass¶
If True, 3d fields are put on mass levels (see the documentation above for more details).
- open(openmode=None)[source]¶
Opens a LFI with ifsaux’ LFIOUV, and initializes some attributes.
- Parameters:
openmode – optional, to open with a specific openmode, eventually different from the one specified at initialization.
- openmode¶
Opening mode (see the documentation above for more details).
- readfield(*args, **kwargs)¶
Reads one field, given its identifier (tuple (LFI name, level)), and returns a Field instance. Interface to Fortran routines from ‘ifsaux’.
- Parameters:
fieldidentifier – “LFI fieldname” if true3d, else (LFI fieldname, level).
getdata – optional, if False, only metadata are read, the field do not contain data. Default is True.
- readfields(requestedfields=None, getdata=True)[source]¶
Returns a
containing requested fields read in the resource.- Parameters:
requestedfields –
might be
a tuple of regular expressions (e.g. (‘RVT’, ‘?’)) or a regular expression (e.g. ‘R?T’) if true3d
a list of LFI fields identifiers with regular expressions (e.g. [(‘COVER???’, 0), (‘RVT’, ‘*’)])
if not specified, interpretated as all fields that will be found in resource
getdata – optional, if False, only metadata are read, the fields do not contain data. Default is True.
- sortfields()[source]¶
Returns a sorted list of fields with regards to their name and nature, as a dict of lists.
- true3d¶
If False, 3D fields are seen as a collection of H2D fields (see the documentation above for more details).
- what(*args, **kwargs)¶
Writes in file a summary of the contents of the LFI.
- Parameters:
out – the output open file-like object
sortfields – True if the fields have to be sorted by type.
- writefield(field)[source]¶
Write a field in the resource.
- Parameters:
field – a
instance orepygram.H2DField
- writefields(fieldset)[source]¶
Write the fields of the fieldset in the resource.
- Parameters:
fieldset – must be a