epygram.resources — Real and virtual resources handling

Module contains:

  • resource for data contained in file (FileResource).

  • other resources built on top of FileResource:

    • MultiValiditiesResource: join several resources to furnish fields with temporal evolution;

    • CombineLevelsResource: from a resource containing 2D fields on adjacent levels, emulates a resource that provide 3D fields

  • a proxy function to build such meta resources

class epygram.resources.open_and_close_resource(r)[source]

Bases: object

Context manager for automatically open/close resources.


r – resource to open

epygram.resources.meta_resource(filenames_or_resources, openmode, rtype)[source]

Factory for meta resources, such as MultiValiditiesResource or CombineLevelsResource.

  • filenames_or_resources – can be either a filename or a list of, or a resource or a list of.

  • openmode – among ‘r’, ‘w’, ‘a’

  • rtype

    resource type, e.g.:

    • ’MV’ for a MultiValiditiesResource,

    • ’CL’ for a CombineLevelsResource

    • ’MV+CL’ for a composition of both (should be similar to CL+MV)

class epygram.resources.FileResource(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Resource

Generic abstract class implementing a Resource.


This class is managed by footprint.

  • info: Not documented

  • priority: PriorityLevel::DEFAULT (rank=1)

Automatic parameters from the footprint:

  • filename (builtins.str) - rxx - File name (absolute or relative) of the resource.

  • fmtdelayedopen (builtins.bool) - rxx - Opening of the resource delayed (not at time of construction).

    • Optional. Default is False.

  • format (builtins.str) - rxx - Format of the resource.

    • Optional. Default is None.

  • openmode (builtins.str) - rxx - Opening mode.

    • Values: set([‘write’, ‘a’, ‘read’, ‘append’, ‘r’, ‘w’])

    • Remap: dict(append = ‘a’, read = ‘r’, write = ‘w’,)

Constructor. See its footprint for arguments.


File name (absolute or relative) of the resource (see the documentation above for more details).


Opening of the resource delayed (not at time of construction) (see the documentation above for more details).


Format of the resource (see the documentation above for more details).


Opens the resource properly.


openmode – to open with a specific openmode, eventually different from

the one specified at initialization.


Opening mode (see the documentation above for more details).

class epygram.resources.MultiValiditiesResource(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Resource

Class implementing a MultiValiditiesResource.


This class is managed by footprint.

  • info: Not documented

  • priority: PriorityLevel::DEFAULT (rank=1)

Automatic parameters from the footprint:

  • name (builtins.str) - rxx - Not documented, sorry.

    • Values: set([‘MultiValidities’])

  • openmode (builtins.str) - rxx - Opening mode.

    • Values: set([‘write’, ‘a’, ‘read’, ‘append’, ‘r’, ‘w’])

    • Remap: dict(append = ‘a’, read = ‘r’, write = ‘w’,)

  • resources (footprints.stdtypes.FPList) - rxx - List of resources to join.

Constructor. See its footprint for arguments.


Closes all resources.

extractprofile(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Extracts the profiles in the different resources and join the validities.

extractsection(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Extracts the sections in the different resources and join the validities.

find_fields_in_resource(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Call to find_fields_in_resource

listfields(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Call to listfields.


(see the documentation above for more details).


Opening mode (see the documentation above for more details).

readfield(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Reads the field in the different resources and join the validities.


List of resources to join (see the documentation above for more details).

sortfields(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Call to sortfields

property spectral_geometry

Returns the spectral_geometry

writefield(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Write fields.

class epygram.resources.CombineLevelsResource(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Resource

Class implementing a CombineLevelsResource.


This class is managed by footprint.

  • info: Not documented

  • priority: PriorityLevel::DEFAULT (rank=1)

Automatic parameters from the footprint:

  • name (builtins.str) - rxx - Not documented, sorry.

    • Values: set([‘CombineLevels’])

  • openmode (builtins.str) - rxx - Opening mode.

    • Values: set([‘write’, ‘a’, ‘read’, ‘append’, ‘r’, ‘w’])

    • Remap: dict(append = ‘a’, read = ‘r’, write = ‘w’,)

  • resource (epygram.base.Resource) - rxx - Low level resource

  • virtual (builtins.bool) - rxx - Must readfield return a virtual field

    • Optional. Default is False.

Constructor. See its footprint for arguments.


Closes the low level resource.

extractprofile(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Extracts profiles.

extractsection(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Extracts sections.

find_fields_in_resource(seed=None, generic=False)[source]

Returns a list of the fields from resource whose name match the given seed.

  • seed – might be a ‘handgrip’, i.e. a dict where you can store all requested keys, e.g. {‘shortName’:’t’, ‘indicatorOfTypeOfLevel’:’pl’, ‘level’:850}, a list of handgrips or None. If None (default), returns the list of all fields in resource.

  • generic – if True, returns a list of tuples (fid, fid) of the fields (for mimetism with other formats).

listfields(onlykey=None, select=None, complete=False)[source]

Lists the available fields.


(see the documentation above for more details).


Opens the low level resource


Opening mode (see the documentation above for more details).

readfield(handgrip, getdata=True)[source]

Read the field in the low level resource and join the levels.

  • handgrip – identification of the field

  • getdata – if False, do not read data but only metadata

readfields(handgrip, getdata=True)[source]

Read the field in the low level resource and join the levels.

  • handgrip – identification of the field

  • getdata – if False, do not read data but only metadata


Low level resource (see the documentation above for more details).

sortfields(sortingkey, onlykey=None)[source]

Returns a sorted list of fields with regards to the given sortingkey of their fid, as a dict of lists.

  • sortingkey – sorting key

  • onlykey – can be specified as a string or a tuple of strings, so that only specified keys of the fid will returned.

property spectral_geometry

Returns the spectral_geometry


Must readfield return a virtual field (see the documentation above for more details).

writefield(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Write fields.