epygram.formats.conversion.converters — Format-specific conversion Taylorism Workers

Converters: workers taylored to write in a dedicated format.

class epygram.formats.conversion.converters.Converter(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Worker

Not documented yet.


This class is managed by footprint.

  • info: Converts a file into another format.

  • priority: PriorityLevel::DEFAULT (rank=1)

Automatic parameters from the footprint:

  • expected_time (builtins.float) - rxx - How long the worker is expected to run (in s).

    • Optional. Default is 0.0.

  • fieldseed (footprints.stdtypes.FPList) - rwx - to select only a part of the fields in resource.

    • Optional. Default is None.

  • filename (builtins.str) - rwx - name of the file to be processed

  • memory (builtins.float) - rxx - Memory that should be used by the worker (in MiB).

    • Optional. Default is 0.0.

  • name (builtins.str) - rwx - Name of the worker.

    • Optional. Default is None.

  • output_format_suffix (builtins.str) - rxx - Not documented, sorry.

  • progressmode (builtins.str) - rxx - to print either progress ‘percentage’ of job, or field fids (‘verbose’).

    • Optional. Default is None.

  • scheduler_hooks (footprints.stdtypes.FPList) - rxx - List of callbacks before starting effective task work.

    • Optional. Default is FPList::<<as_list:: []>>.

  • scheduler_ticket (builtins.int) - rxx - The slot number given by the scheduler (optional).

    • Optional. Default is None.

  • subzone (builtins.str) - rwx - to extract a subzone of LAM fields, in case, among (‘C’, ‘CI’).

    • Optional. Default is None.


How long the worker is expected to run (in s) (see the documentation above for more details).


to select only a part of the fields in resource (see the documentation above for more details).


name of the file to be processed (see the documentation above for more details).


Memory that should be used by the worker (in MiB) (see the documentation above for more details).


Name of the worker (see the documentation above for more details).


(see the documentation above for more details).


to print either progress ‘percentage’ of job, or field fids (‘verbose’) (see the documentation above for more details).


List of callbacks before starting effective task work (see the documentation above for more details).


The slot number given by the scheduler (optional) (see the documentation above for more details).


to extract a subzone of LAM fields, in case, among (‘C’, ‘CI’) (see the documentation above for more details).

class epygram.formats.conversion.converters.Griber(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Converter

Not documented yet.


This class is managed by footprint.

  • info: Converts a file into GRIB2, with some MF operations rules to define ‘generatingProcessIdentifier’.

  • priority: PriorityLevel::DEFAULT (rank=1)

Automatic parameters from the footprint:

  • default_packing (footprints.stdtypes.FPDict) - rwx - to specify default packing of fields in GRIB target.

    • Optional. Default is FPDict::<<as_dict:: dict(bitsPerValue = 12, packingType = ‘grid_second_order’,)>>.

  • expected_time (builtins.float) - rxx - How long the worker is expected to run (in s).

    • Optional. Default is 0.0.

  • fieldseed (footprints.stdtypes.FPList) - rwx - to select only a part of the fields in resource.

    • Optional. Default is None.

  • filename (builtins.str) - rwx - name of the file to be processed

  • memory (builtins.float) - rxx - Memory that should be used by the worker (in MiB).

    • Optional. Default is 0.0.

  • name (builtins.str) - rwx - Name of the worker.

    • Optional. Default is None.

  • other_grib_options (footprints.stdtypes.FPDict) - rwx - to specify other GRIB options (key/value pairs).

    • Optional. Default is FPDict::<<as_dict:: dict()>>.

  • output_format_suffix (builtins.str) - rxx - Not documented, sorry.

    • Values: set([‘grb’])

  • progressmode (builtins.str) - rxx - to print either progress ‘percentage’ of job, or field fids (‘verbose’).

    • Optional. Default is None.

  • scheduler_hooks (footprints.stdtypes.FPList) - rxx - List of callbacks before starting effective task work.

    • Optional. Default is FPList::<<as_list:: []>>.

  • scheduler_ticket (builtins.int) - rxx - The slot number given by the scheduler (optional).

    • Optional. Default is None.

  • specific_packing (footprints.stdtypes.FPDict) - rwx - to specify packing of specific fields, with regards to their name.

    • Optional. Default is FPDict::<<as_dict:: dict()>>.

  • subzone (builtins.str) - rwx - to extract a subzone of LAM fields, in case, among (‘C’, ‘CI’).

    • Optional. Default is None.

  • suite (builtins.str) - rwx - to specify grib_api’s ‘productionStatusOfProcessedData’. Among (‘oper’, ‘dble’, ‘test’, ‘research’, ‘unknown’).

    • Optional. Default is ‘research’.

    • Values: set([‘test’, ‘dble’, ‘oper’, ‘research’, ‘unknown’])

  • typeofgeneratingprocess (builtins.str) - rwx - cf. epygram.extra.griberies.tables.typeOfGeneratingProcess_dict.

    • Optional. Default is ‘Forecast’.

    • Values: set([‘Post-processed analysis’, ‘Analysis’, ‘Bias-corrected ensemble forecast’, ‘Forecast’, ‘Hindcast’, ‘Observation’, ‘unknown’, ‘Probability forecast’, ‘Nowcast’, ‘Bias corrected forecast’, ‘Probability-weighted forecast’, ‘Forecast error’, ‘Ensemble forecast’, ‘Climatological’, ‘Initialization’, ‘Post-processed forecast’, ‘Analysis error’])


to specify default packing of fields in GRIB target (see the documentation above for more details).


How long the worker is expected to run (in s) (see the documentation above for more details).


to select only a part of the fields in resource (see the documentation above for more details).


name of the file to be processed (see the documentation above for more details).


Memory that should be used by the worker (in MiB) (see the documentation above for more details).


Name of the worker (see the documentation above for more details).


to specify other GRIB options (key/value pairs) (see the documentation above for more details).


(see the documentation above for more details).


to print either progress ‘percentage’ of job, or field fids (‘verbose’) (see the documentation above for more details).


List of callbacks before starting effective task work (see the documentation above for more details).


The slot number given by the scheduler (optional) (see the documentation above for more details).


to specify packing of specific fields, with regards to their name (see the documentation above for more details).


to extract a subzone of LAM fields, in case, among (‘C’, ‘CI’) (see the documentation above for more details).


to specify grib_api’s ‘productionStatusOfProcessedData’. Among (‘oper’, ‘dble’, ‘test’, ‘research’, ‘unknown’) (see the documentation above for more details).


cf. epygram.extra.griberies.tables.typeOfGeneratingProcess_dict (see the documentation above for more details).

class epygram.formats.conversion.converters.NetCDFWriter(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Converter

Not documented yet.


This class is managed by footprint.

  • info: Converts a file into netCDF4.

  • priority: PriorityLevel::DEFAULT (rank=1)

Automatic parameters from the footprint:

  • compression (builtins.int) - rwx - compression level to compress fields in netCDF. Ranges from 0 to 9. 0 is no compression, 1 is low-but-fast compression, 9 is high-but-slow compression. Default is 4.

    • Optional. Default is 4.

  • expected_time (builtins.float) - rxx - How long the worker is expected to run (in s).

    • Optional. Default is 0.0.

  • fieldseed (footprints.stdtypes.FPList) - rwx - to select only a part of the fields in resource.

    • Optional. Default is None.

  • filename (builtins.str) - rwx - name of the file to be processed

  • flatten_horizontal_grids (builtins.bool) - rxx - flatten 2D horizontal grids to 1D.

    • Optional. Default is False.

  • grib_short_fid (builtins.bool) - rwx - condense GRIB fid as string, in case converting a GRIB file.

    • Optional. Default is False.

  • memory (builtins.float) - rxx - Memory that should be used by the worker (in MiB).

    • Optional. Default is 0.0.

  • name (builtins.str) - rwx - Name of the worker.

    • Optional. Default is None.

  • output_format_suffix (builtins.str) - rxx - Not documented, sorry.

    • Values: set([‘nc’])

  • progressmode (builtins.str) - rxx - to print either progress ‘percentage’ of job, or field fids (‘verbose’).

    • Optional. Default is None.

  • scheduler_hooks (footprints.stdtypes.FPList) - rxx - List of callbacks before starting effective task work.

    • Optional. Default is FPList::<<as_list:: []>>.

  • scheduler_ticket (builtins.int) - rxx - The slot number given by the scheduler (optional).

    • Optional. Default is None.

  • subzone (builtins.str) - rwx - to extract a subzone of LAM fields, in case, among (‘C’, ‘CI’).

    • Optional. Default is None.


compression level to compress fields in netCDF. Ranges from 0 to 9. 0 is no compression, 1 is low-but-fast compression, 9 is high-but-slow compression. Default is 4 (see the documentation above for more details).


How long the worker is expected to run (in s) (see the documentation above for more details).


to select only a part of the fields in resource (see the documentation above for more details).


name of the file to be processed (see the documentation above for more details).


flatten 2D horizontal grids to 1D (see the documentation above for more details).


condense GRIB fid as string, in case converting a GRIB file (see the documentation above for more details).


Memory that should be used by the worker (in MiB) (see the documentation above for more details).


Name of the worker (see the documentation above for more details).


(see the documentation above for more details).


to print either progress ‘percentage’ of job, or field fids (‘verbose’) (see the documentation above for more details).


List of callbacks before starting effective task work (see the documentation above for more details).


The slot number given by the scheduler (optional) (see the documentation above for more details).


to extract a subzone of LAM fields, in case, among (‘C’, ‘CI’) (see the documentation above for more details).

class epygram.formats.conversion.converters.GeoPointsWriter(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Converter

Not documented yet.


This class is managed by footprint.

  • info: Converts a file into GeoPoints.

  • priority: PriorityLevel::DEFAULT (rank=1)

Automatic parameters from the footprint:

  • columns (footprints.stdtypes.FPList) - rwx - simplified GeoPoints, specify columns to be written.

    • Optional. Default is None.

  • expected_time (builtins.float) - rxx - How long the worker is expected to run (in s).

    • Optional. Default is 0.0.

  • fieldseed (footprints.stdtypes.FPList) - rwx - to select only a part of the fields in resource.

    • Optional. Default is None.

  • filename (builtins.str) - rwx - name of the file to be processed

  • grib_short_fid (builtins.bool) - rwx - condense GRIB fid as string, in case converting a GRIB file.

    • Optional. Default is False.

  • llv (builtins.bool) - rwx - lat/lon/value mode == simplified GeoPoints.

    • Optional. Default is False.

  • lonlat_precision (builtins.int) - rwx - number of digits for output lon/lat values.

    • Optional. Default is 4.

  • memory (builtins.float) - rxx - Memory that should be used by the worker (in MiB).

    • Optional. Default is 0.0.

  • name (builtins.str) - rwx - Name of the worker.

    • Optional. Default is None.

  • no_header (builtins.bool) - rxx - If True, do not write header (openmode=’w’).

    • Optional. Default is False.

  • order (builtins.str) - rwx - for a rectangular H2DField, whether to flatten 2D arrays in ‘C’ (row-major) or ‘F’ (Fortran, column-major) order.

    • Optional. Default is ‘C’.

  • output_format_suffix (builtins.str) - rxx - Not documented, sorry.

    • Values: set([‘geo’])

  • precision (builtins.int) - rwx - number of digits for output fields values.

    • Optional. Default is 6.

  • progressmode (builtins.str) - rxx - to print either progress ‘percentage’ of job, or field fids (‘verbose’).

    • Optional. Default is None.

  • scheduler_hooks (footprints.stdtypes.FPList) - rxx - List of callbacks before starting effective task work.

    • Optional. Default is FPList::<<as_list:: []>>.

  • scheduler_ticket (builtins.int) - rxx - The slot number given by the scheduler (optional).

    • Optional. Default is None.

  • subzone (builtins.str) - rwx - to extract a subzone of LAM fields, in case, among (‘C’, ‘CI’).

    • Optional. Default is None.


simplified GeoPoints, specify columns to be written (see the documentation above for more details).


How long the worker is expected to run (in s) (see the documentation above for more details).


to select only a part of the fields in resource (see the documentation above for more details).


name of the file to be processed (see the documentation above for more details).


condense GRIB fid as string, in case converting a GRIB file (see the documentation above for more details).


lat/lon/value mode == simplified GeoPoints (see the documentation above for more details).


number of digits for output lon/lat values (see the documentation above for more details).


Memory that should be used by the worker (in MiB) (see the documentation above for more details).


Name of the worker (see the documentation above for more details).


If True, do not write header (openmode=’w’) (see the documentation above for more details).


for a rectangular H2DField, whether to flatten 2D arrays in ‘C’ (row-major) or ‘F’ (Fortran, column-major) order (see the documentation above for more details).


(see the documentation above for more details).


number of digits for output fields values (see the documentation above for more details).


to print either progress ‘percentage’ of job, or field fids (‘verbose’) (see the documentation above for more details).


List of callbacks before starting effective task work (see the documentation above for more details).


The slot number given by the scheduler (optional) (see the documentation above for more details).


to extract a subzone of LAM fields, in case, among (‘C’, ‘CI’) (see the documentation above for more details).