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pyfortool.statements.Statements Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for pyfortool.statements.Statements:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 isNodeInProcedure (self, node, procList)
 isNodeInCall (self, node)
 removeCall (self, callName, simplify=False)
 removePrints (self, simplify=False)
 removeArraySyntax (self, concurrent=False, useMnhExpand=True, everywhere=True, loopVar=None, reuseLoop=True, funcList=None, updateMemSet=False, updateCopy=False, addAccIndependentCollapse=True)
 inlineContainedSubroutines (self, simplify=False, loopVar=None)
 inline (self, subContained, callStmt, mainScope, simplify=False, loopVar=None)
 setFalseIfStmt (self, flags, simplify=False)
 evalFalseIfStmt (self, nodes, simplify=False)
 checkOpInCall (self, mustRaise=False)
 insertStatement (self, stmt, first)
 removeStmtNode (self, nodes, simplifyVar, simplifyStruct)
 removeConstructNode (self, node, simplifyVar, simplifyStruct)
 removeFromList (self, item, itemPar)

Static Public Member Functions

 createDoConstruct (loopVariables, indent=0, concurrent=False)
 insertInList (pos, item, parent)

Detailed Description

Methods to act on statements

Definition at line 68 of file

Member Function Documentation

◆ checkOpInCall()

pyfortool.statements.Statements.checkOpInCall (   self,
  mustRaise = False 
:param mustRaise: True to raise
Issue a logging.warning if some call arguments are operations
If mustRaise is True, issue a logging.error instead and raise an error

Definition at line 1173 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ createDoConstruct()

pyfortool.statements.Statements.createDoConstruct (   loopVariables,
  indent = 0,
  concurrent = False 
:param loopVariables: ordered dictionnary with loop variables as key and bounds as values.
                      Bounds are expressed with a 2-tuple.
                      Keys must be in the same order as the order used when addressing an
                        element: if loopVariables.keys is [JI, JK], arrays are
                        addressed with (JI, JK)
:param indent: current indentation
:param concurrent: if False, output is made of nested 'DO' loops
                   if True, output is made of a single 'DO CONCURRENT' loop
:return: (inner, outer, extraindent) with
          - inner the inner do-construct where statements must be added
          - outer the outer do-construct to be inserted somewhere
          - extraindent the number of added indentation
            (2 if concurrent else 2*len(loopVariables))

Definition at line 1418 of file

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ evalFalseIfStmt()

pyfortool.statements.Statements.evalFalseIfStmt (   self,
  simplify = False 
Evaluate if-stmt with multiple op-E and remove the nodes if only .FALSE. are present
:param nodes: list of nodes of type op-E to evaluate (containing .FALSE.)
:param simplify: try to simplify code (if if-block is removed, variables used in the
                 if condition are also checked)

Definition at line 1151 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ inline()

pyfortool.statements.Statements.inline (   self,
  simplify = False,
  loopVar = None 
Inline a subContainted subroutine
Steps :
    - update the main code if needed (if statement and/or elemental)
    - copy the subContained node
    - remove everything before the declarations variables and the variables declarations
    - deal with optional argument
    - from the callStmt, replace all the arguments by their names
    - inline in the main code
    - add local variables and use statements to the main code
:param subContained: xml fragment corresponding to the sub: to inline
:param callStmt: the call-stmt to replace
:param mainScope: scope of the main (calling) subroutine
:param simplify: try to simplify code (construct or variables becoming useless)
:param loopVar: None to create new variable for each added DO loop (around ELEMENTAL
                    subroutine calls)
                or a function that return the name of the variable to use for the
                loop control.
                This function returns a string (name of the variable), or True to create
                a new variable, or False to not transform this statement
                The functions takes as arguments:
                  - lower and upper bounds as defined in the declaration statement
                  - lower and upper bounds as given in the statement
                  - name of the array
                  - index of the rank

Definition at line 662 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ inlineContainedSubroutines()

pyfortool.statements.Statements.inlineContainedSubroutines (   self,
  simplify = False,
  loopVar = None 
Inline all contained subroutines in the main subroutine
Steps :
    - Identify contained subroutines
    - Look for all CALL statements, check if it is a containted routines; if yes, inline
    - Delete the containted routines
:param simplify: try to simplify code (construct or variables becoming useless)
:param loopVar: None to create new variable for each added DO loop (around ELEMENTAL
                    subroutine calls)
                or a function that return the name of the variable to use for the
                loop control.
                This function returns a string (name of the variable), or True to create
                a new variable, or False to not transform this statement
                The functions takes as arguments:
                  - lower and upper bounds as defined in the declaration statement
                  - lower and upper bounds as given in the statement
                  - name of the array
                  - index of the rank

Definition at line 598 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ insertInList()

pyfortool.statements.Statements.insertInList (   pos,
:param pos: insertion position
:param item: item to add to the list
:param parent: the parent of item (the list)

Definition at line 1523 of file

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ insertStatement()

pyfortool.statements.Statements.insertStatement (   self,
Insert a statement to be executed first (or last)
:param stmt: statement to insert
:param first: True to insert it in first position, False to insert it in last position
:return: the index of the stmt inserted in scope

Definition at line 1190 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isNodeInCall()

pyfortool.statements.Statements.isNodeInCall (   self,
Return True if node (named-E) is an argument of a called procedure
:param node: node to test

Definition at line 104 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isNodeInProcedure()

pyfortool.statements.Statements.isNodeInProcedure (   self,
Return True if node (named-E) is an argument of a procedure listed in procList
:param node: node to test
:param procList: list of procedure names

Definition at line 74 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ removeArraySyntax()

pyfortool.statements.Statements.removeArraySyntax (   self,
  concurrent = False,
  useMnhExpand = True,
  everywhere = True,
  loopVar = None,
  reuseLoop = True,
  funcList = None,
  updateMemSet = False,
  updateCopy = False,
  addAccIndependentCollapse = True 
Transform array syntax into DO loops
:param concurrent: use 'DO CONCURRENT' instead of simple 'DO' loops
:param useMnhExpand: use the mnh directives to transform the entire bloc in a single loop
:param everywhere: transform all array syntax in DO loops
:param loopVar: None to create new variable for each added DO loop, or
                a function that return the name of the variable to use for the loop control.
                This function returns a string (name of the variable), or True to create
                a new variable, or False to not transform this statement
                The functions takes as arguments:
                  - lower and upper bounds as defined in the declaration statement
                  - lower and upper bounds as given in the statement
                  - name of the array
                  - index of the rank
:param reuseLoop: if True, try to reuse loop created whith everywhere=True
:param funcList: list of entity names that must be recognized as array functions
                 (in addition to the intrisic ones) to discard from transformation
                 statements that make use of them. None is equivalent to an empty list.
:param updateMemSet: True to put affectation to constante in DO loops
:param updateCopy: True to put array copy in DO loops
:param addAccIndependentCollapse: True to add !$acc loop independent collapse(X) before
                                  the DO construct

Notes: * With useMnhExpand, the function checks if the coding is conform to what is needed
         for the filepp/mnh_expand tool (to not breack compatibility with this tool)
       * Arrays are transformed only if ':' are used.
         A=A(:) is not transformed at all (or raises an exception if found in a WHERE block)
         A(:)=A is wrongly transformed into "DO...; A(J1)=A; ENDDO" and will produce a
             compilation error
         WHERE(L) X(:)=0. is not transformed at all (unknown behaviour in case
             of nested WHERE)
       * This function is not compatible with functions that return arrays:
         X(1:5)=FUNC(1) will be transformed into "DO J1=1,5; X(J1)=FUNC(1); ENDDO"
         x(1:5)=FUNC(X(1:5)) will be transformed into "DO J1=1,5; X(J1)=FUNC(X(J1)); ENDDO"
         But intrinsic functions (COUNT, ANY...) are recognised and corresponding statements
         are not transformed.
         The list of intrinsic array functions can be extended by user functions with the
         funcList argument.

Definition at line 153 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ removeCall()

pyfortool.statements.Statements.removeCall (   self,
  simplify = False 
:param callName: name of the subprogram calls to remove.
:param simplify: try to simplify code (if we delete "CALL FOO(X)" and if X not
                 used else where, we also delete it; or if the call was alone inside
                 a if-then-endif construct, the construct is also removed, and
                 variables used in the if condition are also checked...)
:return: number of calls suppressed

Definition at line 126 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ removeConstructNode()

pyfortool.statements.Statements.removeConstructNode (   self,
This function removes a construct node and:
  - suppress variable that became useless (if simplifyVar is True)
  - suppress outer loop/if if useless (if simplifyStruct is True)
:param node: node representing the statement to remove
:param simplifyVar: try to simplify code (if we delete "CALL FOO(X)" and if X not used
                    else where, we also delete it; or if the call was alone inside a
                    if-then-endif construct, with simplifyStruct=True, the construct is also
                    removed, and variables used in the if condition are also checked...)
:param simplifyStruct: try to simplify code (if we delete "CALL FOO(X)" and if the call was
                       alone inside a if-then-endif construct, the construct is also
                       removed, and variables used in the if condition
                       (with simplifyVar=True) are also checked...)

If a statement is passed, it is suppressed by removeStmtNode

Definition at line 1367 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ removeFromList()

pyfortool.statements.Statements.removeFromList (   self,
:param item: item to remove from list
:param itemPar: the parent of item (the list)

Definition at line 1542 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ removePrints()

pyfortool.statements.Statements.removePrints (   self,
  simplify = False 
Removes all print statements
:param simplify: try to simplify code (if we delete "print*, X" and if X is not
                 used else where, we also delete it; or if the print was alone inside
                 a if-then-endif construct, the construct is also removed, and
                 variables used in the if condition are also checked...)

Definition at line 142 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ removeStmtNode()

pyfortool.statements.Statements.removeStmtNode (   self,
This function removes a statement node and:
  - suppress variable that became useless (if simplifyVar is True)
  - suppress outer loop/if if useless (if simplifyStruct is True)
:param nodes: node (or list of nodes) to remove
:param simplifyVar: try to simplify code (if we delete "CALL FOO(X)" and if X not used
                    else where, we also delete it; or if the call was alone inside a
                    if-then-endif construct, with simplifyStruct=True, the construct is also
                    removed, and variables used in the if condition are also checked...)
:param simplifyStruct: try to simplify code (if we delete "CALL FOO(X)" and if the call was
                       alone inside a if-then-endif construct, the construct is also
                       removed and variables used in the if condition
                       (with simplifyVar=True) are also checked...)

Definition at line 1235 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setFalseIfStmt()

pyfortool.statements.Statements.setFalseIfStmt (   self,
  simplify = False 
Set to .FALSE. a given boolean fortran flag before removing the node if simplify is True
:param flags: list of strings of flags to set to .FALSE.
:param simplify: try to simplify code (if the .FALSE. was alone inside a if-then-endif
                 construct, the construct is removed, and variables used in the if
                 condition are also checked)

Definition at line 1108 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

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