No Matches
2This module implements the Cpp class containing the methods for dealing with cpp directives
5from pyfortool.util import debugDecor, alltext, PYFTError, tag, noParallel
6from pyfortool.tree import updateTree
7from pyfortool.variables import updateVarList
10class Cpp:
11 """
12 Methods to deal with cpp directives
13 """
14 @debugDecor
15 @noParallel
16 @updateVarList
17 @updateTree('signal')
18 def applyCPPifdef(self, keys):
19 """
20 Apply #ifdef / #ifndef only on some keys
21 :param keys: list of defined and undefined keys. The latter are preceded by a
22 percentage sign '%'.
23 E.g. if K is in keys, "#ifdef K "will be evaluated to True
24 if %K is in keys, "#ifdef K" will be evaluated to False
26 Warning: only #ifdef and #ifndef are treated and not "#if defined ..."
28 If key K is in keys
29 #ifdef K
30 A
31 #else
32 B
33 #endif
34 is reduced to A
35 If %K is in keys, code snippet is reduced to B.
36 If neither K nor %K are present in keys, code is kept untouched.
37 """
39 # We make the hypothesis that #ifdef, #else and #endif have the same parent
40 # Get all nodes containing #ifdef or #ifndef
41 parents = set(self.getParent(cppNode) for cppNode in self.findall('.//{*}cpp')
42 if (cppNode.text.startswith('#ifdef ') or
43 cppNode.text.startswith('#ifndef ')))
45 # Iteration over nodes contained in each parent
46 toRemove = []
47 for par in parents:
48 # we deal with nested #ifdef #ifndef and #if
49 # We need to track #if cpp directives to discard #else and #endif related to these #if
50 # Each time we enter an #ifdef, #ifndef or #if, we add a value to the keep list
51 # True or False to keep or discard it, None not to touch it
52 keep = [True]
53 for node in par:
54 if tag(node) == 'cpp':
55 if node.text.startswith('#ifdef '):
56 k = alltext(node).split(' ')[1].strip()
57 if k in keys:
58 toRemove.append((node, par))
59 keep.append(True)
60 elif '%' + k in keys:
61 toRemove.append((node, par))
62 keep.append(False)
63 else:
64 keep.append(None)
65 if False in keep:
66 toRemove.append((node, par))
67 elif node.text.startswith('#ifndef '):
68 k = alltext(node).split(' ')[1].strip()
69 if k in keys:
70 toRemove.append((node, par))
71 keep.append(False)
72 elif '%' + k in keys:
73 toRemove.append((node, par))
74 keep.append(True)
75 else:
76 keep.append(None)
77 if False in keep:
78 toRemove.append((node, par))
79 elif node.text.startswith('#if '):
80 if False in keep:
81 toRemove.append((node, par))
82 # We are in a #if,following #else / #endif is associated to this #if
83 keep.append(None)
84 elif node.text.startswith('#else'):
85 if keep[-1] is not None:
86 toRemove.append((node, par))
87 keep[-1] = not keep[-1]
88 elif False in keep:
89 toRemove.append((node, par))
90 elif node.text.startswith('#endif'):
91 if keep[-1] is not None or False in keep:
92 toRemove.append((node, par))
93 keep.pop()
94 elif node.text.startswith('#elifdef') or node.text.startswith('#elifndef'):
95 raise NotImplementedError("#elifdef and #elifndef not (yet?) implemented")
96 else:
97 if False in keep:
98 toRemove.append((node, par))
99 else:
100 if False in keep:
101 toRemove.append((node, par))
102 if len(keep) != 1:
103 # We check the hypothesis done at the beginning
104 raise PYFTError("#else or #endif hasn't the same parent as #ifdef " +
105 "or #ifndef in {f}".format(f=self.getFileName()))
106 # Suppress node in reverse order to attach tail to previous node
107 if len(toRemove) != 0:
108 self.tree.signal(self) # Tree may need to be updated
109 for node, par in toRemove[::-1]:
110 index = list(par).index(node)
111 if index != 0:
112 if node.tail is not None:
113 if par[index - 1].tail is None:
114 par[index - 1].tail = ""
115 # We only keep '\n' and spaces at the end (indentation)
116 par[index - 1].tail += (node.tail.count('\n') * '\n' +
117 (len(node.tail) - len(node.tail.rstrip(' '))) * ' ')
118 par.remove(node)
applyCPPifdef(self, keys)