No Matches
2This module contains the Tree class to browse the tree
5import glob
6import os
7import logging
8import json
9import subprocess
10import re
11from functools import wraps
13from pyfortool.util import debugDecor, n2name
14import pyfortool.scope
18def updateTree(method='file'):
19 """
20 Decorator factory to update the tree after having executed a PYFTscope method
21 :param method: method to use for updating
22 - 'file': analyze current file (default)
23 - 'scan': analyse new files and suppress tree information
24 for suppressed files
25 - 'signal': analyse files (if any) signaled using
26 the signal method of the tree object
27 """
28 assert method in ('file', 'scan', 'signal')
30 def decorator(func):
31 @wraps(func)
32 def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
33 result = func(self, *args, **kwargs)
34 if self.tree.isValid:
35 if method == 'file':
36 self.tree.update(self)
37 elif method == 'scan':
38 current = set(self.tree.getFiles())
39 old = set(self.tree.knownFiles())
40 self.tree.update(current.symmetric_difference(old))
41 elif method == 'signal':
42 self.tree.update(self.tree.popSignaled())
43 return result
44 return wrapper
45 return decorator
48class Tree():
49 """
50 Class to browse the Tree
51 """
52 def __init__(self, tree=None, descTreeFile=None,
53 parser=None, parserOptions=None, wrapH=False,
54 verbosity=None):
55 """
56 :param tree: list of directories composing the tree or None
57 :param descTreeFile: filename where the description of the tree will be stored
58 :param parser, parserOptions, wrapH: see the PYFT class
59 :param verbosity: if not None, sets the verbosity level
60 """
61 # Options
62 self._tree = [] if tree is None else tree
63 self._descTreeFile = descTreeFile
64 self._parser = parser
65 self._parserOptions = parserOptions
66 self._wrapH = wrapH
67 self._verbosity = verbosity
69 # Files signaled for update
70 self._signaled = set()
72 # File analysis
73 self._cwd = os.getcwd()
74 self._emptyCache()
75 self._scopes = {}
76 self._useList = {}
77 self._includeList = {}
78 self._callList = {}
79 self._funcList = {}
80 self._cacheCompilationTree = None
81 self._cacheExecutionTree = None
82 self._cacheIncInScope = None
83 if descTreeFile is not None and os.path.exists(descTreeFile):
84 self.fromJson(descTreeFile)
85 elif tree is not None:
86 self._build()
87 if descTreeFile is not None:
88 self.toJson(descTreeFile)
90 def getFullContent(self):
91 """
92 :return: a dict containing the full content of the instance
93 """
94 return {'tree': self._tree,
95 'descTreeFile': self._descTreeFile,
96 'parser': self._parser,
97 'parserOptions': self._parserOptions,
98 'wrapH': self._wrapH,
99 'verbosity': self._verbosity,
100 'cwd': self._cwd,
101 'scopes': self._scopes,
102 'useList': self._useList,
103 'includeList': self._includeList,
104 'callList': self._callList,
105 'funcList': self._funcList,
106 'signaled': self._signaled,
107 'cache_compilationTree': self._cacheCompilationTree,
108 'cacheExecutionTree': self._cacheExecutionTree,
109 'cacheIncScope': self._cacheIncInScope}
111 def setFullContent(self, content):
112 """
113 :param content: Fill the current instance with this dict
114 """
115 self._tree = content['tree']
116 self._descTreeFile = content['descTreeFile']
117 self._parser = content['parser']
118 self._parserOptions = content['parserOptions']
119 self._wrapH = content['wrapH']
120 self._verbosity = content['verbosity']
121 self._cwd = content['cwd']
122 self._scopes = content['scopes']
123 self._useList = content['useList']
124 self._includeList = content['includeList']
125 self._callList = content['callList']
126 self._funcList = content['funcList']
127 self._signaled = content['signaled']
128 self._cacheCompilationTree = content['cache_compilationTree']
129 self._cacheExecutionTree = content['cacheExecutionTree']
130 self._cacheIncInScope = content['cacheIncScope']
132 def copyFromOtherTree(self, other):
133 """
134 Sets self to be a copy of other
135 """
136 self.setFullContent(other.getFullContent())
138 def copyToOtherTree(self, other):
139 """
140 Sets other to be a copy of self
141 """
142 other.setFullContent(self.getFullContent())
144 def signal(self, file):
145 """
146 Method used for signaling a modified file which needs to be analized
147 :param filename: file name or PYFTscope object
148 """
149 self._signaled.add(file)
151 def popSignaled(self):
152 """
153 :return: the list of file signaled for update and empties the list
154 """
155 temp = self._signaled
156 self._signaled = set()
157 return temp
159 def knownFiles(self):
160 """
161 :return: the list of analysez file names
162 """
163 return list(self._scopes.keys())
165 @property
166 def isValid(self):
167 """Is the Tree object valid"""
168 return len(self._scopes) != 0
170 @property
171 def tree(self):
172 """List of directories"""
173 return self._tree
175 @debugDecor
176 def getDirs(self):
177 """
178 :param tree: list of directories composing the tree or None
179 :return: list of directories and subdirectories
180 """
181 result = []
182 if self.tree is not None:
183 for tDir in self.tree:
184 result += glob.glob(tDir + '/**/', recursive=True)
185 return result
187 @debugDecor
188 def getFiles(self):
189 """
190 :param tree: list of directories composing the tree or None
191 :return: list of directories and subdirectories
192 """
193 filenames = []
194 for tDir in self.tree:
195 for filename in glob.glob(tDir + '/**/*', recursive=True):
196 if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] not in ('', '.json', '.fypp', '.txt'):
197 # We only keep files with extension
198 filenames.append(filename)
199 return filenames
201 @debugDecor
202 def _build(self):
203 """
204 Builds the self._* variable
205 """
206 # Loop on directory and files
207 for filename in self.getFiles():
208 self._analyseFile(filename)
210 @debugDecor
211 def update(self, file):
212 """
213 Updates the object when a file has changed
214 :param file: name of the file (or list of names) with updated content
215 or PYFTscope object
216 """
217 if self.isValid:
218 if not isinstance(file, (list, set)):
219 file = [file]
220 if len(file) != 0:
221 for onefile in file:
222 self._analyseFile(onefile)
223 self._emptyCache()
225 def _emptyCache(self):
226 """Empties cached values"""
227 self._cacheCompilationTree = None
228 self._cacheExecutionTree = None
229 self._cacheIncInScope = None
231 @property
232 def _incInScope(self):
233 """Fill and return the self._cacheIncInScope cached value"""
234 if self.isValid and self._cacheIncInScope is None:
235 # pylint: disable-next=pointless-statement
236 self._compilationTree_compilationTree # self._cacheIncInScope computed at the same time
237 return self._cacheIncInScope
239 @property
240 @debugDecor
241 def _compilationTree(self):
242 """Fill and return the self._cacheCompilationTree cached value"""
243 if self.isValid and self._cacheCompilationTree is None:
244 self._cacheCompilationTree = {f: [] for f in self._scopes}
245 self._cacheIncInScope = {}
246 # Compilation_tree computation: include
247 for filename, incScopePaths in self._includeList.items():
248 # Loop on scopes
249 for scopePath, incList in incScopePaths.items():
250 # Loop on each included file
251 self._cacheIncInScope[scopePath] = []
252 for inc in incList:
253 # Try to guess the right file
254 same = []
255 subdir = []
256 basename = []
257 # Loop on each file found in the source tree
258 for file in self._cacheCompilationTree:
259 if os.path.normpath(inc) == os.path.normpath(file):
260 # Exactly the same file name (including directories)
261 same.append(file)
262 elif ((not os.path.isabs(file)) and
263 os.path.realpath(inc) == os.path.realpath(os.path.join(
264 os.path.dirname(inc), file))):
265 # The include statement refers to a file contained in the
266 # directory where inc is
267 subdir.append(file)
268 elif os.path.basename(inc) == os.path.basename(file):
269 # Same name excluding the directories
270 basename.append(file)
271 if len(same) > 1:
272 same = subdir = basename = []
273 if len(subdir) > 1:
274 subdir = basename = []
275 if len(basename) > 1:
276 basename = []
277 found = True
278 if len(same) > 0:
279 incFilename = same[0]
280 elif len(subdir) > 0:
281 incFilename = subdir[0]
282 elif len(basename) > 0:
283 incFilename = basename[0]
284 else:
285 # We haven't found the file in the tree, we keep the inc untouched
286 found = False
287 incFilename = inc
288 self._cacheCompilationTree[filename].append(incFilename)
289 if found:
290 self._cacheIncInScope[scopePath].append(incFilename)
292 # Compilation_tree computation: use
293 for filename, uList in self._useList.items():
294 # Loop on each use statement
295 for modName, _ in [use for li in uList.values() for use in li]:
296 moduleScopePath = 'module:' + modName
297 # Loop on scopes to find the module
298 found = []
299 for file, scopes in self._scopes.items():
300 if moduleScopePath in scopes:
301 found.append(file)
302 if len(found) == 1:
303 self._cacheCompilationTree[filename].append(found[0])
304 else:
305'Several or none file containing the scope path ' +
306 '%s have been found for file %s',
307 moduleScopePath, filename)
309 # Compilation_tree: cleaning (uniq values)
310 for filename, depList in self._cacheCompilationTree.items():
311 self._cacheCompilationTree[filename] = list(set(depList))
313 return self._cacheCompilationTree
315 @property
316 @debugDecor
317 def _executionTree(self):
318 """Fill and return the self._cacheCompilationTree cached value"""
319 if self.isValid and self._cacheExecutionTree is None:
320 self._cacheExecutionTree = {}
321 # Execution_tree: call statements
322 allScopes = [scopePath for _, l in self._scopes.items() for scopePath in l]
323 self._cacheExecutionTree = {scopePath: [] for scopePath in allScopes}
324 for canonicKind, progList in (('sub', self._callList), ('func', self._funcList)):
325 for filename, callScopes in progList.items():
326 # Loop on scopes
327 for scopePath, cList in callScopes.items():
328 # Loop on calls
329 for call in set(cList):
330 foundInUse = []
331 foundElsewhere = []
332 foundInInclude = []
333 foundInContains = []
334 foundInSameScope = []
336 # We look for sub:c or interface:c
337 for kind in (canonicKind, 'interface'):
338 # Loop on each use statement in scope or in upper scopes
339 uList = [self._useList[filename][sc]
340 for sc in self._useList[filename]
341 if (sc == scopePath or scopePath.startswith(sc + '/'))]
342 for modName, only in [use for li in uList for use in li]:
343 moduleScope = 'module:' + modName
344 callScope = moduleScope + '/' + kind + ':' + call
345 if len(only) > 0:
346 # There is a "ONLY" keyword
347 if call in only and callScope in allScopes:
348 foundInUse.append(callScope)
349 else:
350 # There is no "ONLY"
351 for _, scopes in self._scopes.items():
352 if callScope in scopes:
353 foundInUse.append(callScope)
355 # Look for subroutine directly accessible
356 callScope = kind + ':' + call
357 for _, scopes in self._scopes.items():
358 if callScope in scopes:
359 foundElsewhere.append(callScope)
361 # Look for include files
362 callScope = kind + ':' + call
363 for incFile in self._incInScope[scopePath]:
364 if callScope in self._scopes[incFile]:
365 foundInInclude.append(callScope)
367 # Look for contained routines
368 callScope = scopePath + '/' + kind + ':' + call
369 if callScope in self._scopes[filename]:
370 foundInContains.append(callScope)
372 # Look for routine in the same scope
373 if '/' in scopePath:
374 callScope = scopePath.rsplit('/', 1)[0] + '/' + kind + \
375 ':' + call
376 else:
377 callScope = kind + ':' + call
378 if callScope in self._scopes[filename]:
379 foundInSameScope.append(callScope)
381 # Final selection
382 foundInUse = list(set(foundInUse)) # If a module is used several times
383 if len(foundInUse + foundInInclude +
384 foundInContains + foundInSameScope) > 1:
385 logging.error('Several definition of the program unit found for '
386 '%s called in %s:', call, scopePath)
387 logging.error(' found %i time(s) in USE statements',
388 len(foundInUse))
389 logging.error(' found %i time(s) in include files',
390 len(foundInInclude))
391 logging.error(' found %i time(s) in CONTAINS block',
392 len(foundInContains))
393 logging.error(' found %i time(s) in the same scope',
394 len(foundInSameScope))
395 self._cacheExecutionTree[scopePath].append('??')
396 elif len(foundInUse + foundInInclude +
397 foundInContains + foundInSameScope) == 1:
398 rr = (foundInUse + foundInInclude +
399 foundInContains + foundInSameScope)[0]
400 if canonicKind != 'func' or rr in allScopes:
401 self._cacheExecutionTree[scopePath].append(rr)
402 elif len(foundElsewhere) > 1:
403'Several definition of the program unit found for '
404 '%s called in %s', call, scopePath)
405 elif len(foundElsewhere) == 1:
406 self._cacheExecutionTree[scopePath].append(foundElsewhere[0])
407 else:
408 if canonicKind != 'func':
409'No definition of the program unit found for '
410 '%s called in %s', call, scopePath)
412 # Execution_tree: named interface
413 # We replace named interface by the list of routines declared in this interface
414 # This is not perfect because only one routine is called and not all
415 for _, execList in self._cacheExecutionTree.items():
416 for item in list(execList):
417 itemSplt = item.split('/')[-1].split(':')
418 if itemSplt[0] == 'interface' and itemSplt[1] != '--UNKNOWN--':
419 # This is a named interface
420 filenames = [k for (k, v) in self._scopes.items() if item in v]
421 if len(filenames) == 1:
422 # We have found in which file this interface is declared
423 execList.remove(item)
424 for sub in [sub for sub in self._scopes[filenames[0]]
425 if sub.startswith(item + '/')]:
426 subscopeIn = sub.rsplit('/', 2)[0] + '/' + sub.split('/')[-1]
427 if subscopeIn in self._scopes[filenames[0]]:
428 # Routine found in the same scope as the interface
429 execList.append(subscopeIn)
430 else:
431 execList.append(sub.split('/')[-1])
433 # Execution_tree: cleaning (uniq values)
434 for scopePath, execList in self._cacheExecutionTree.items():
435 self._cacheExecutionTree[scopePath] = list(set(execList))
437 return self._cacheExecutionTree
439 @debugDecor
440 def _analyseFile(self, file):
441 """
442 :param file: Name of the file to explore, or PYFTscope object
443 :return: dict of use, include, call, function and scope list
444 """
445 def extractString(text):
446 text = text.strip()
447 if text[0] in ('"', "'"):
448 assert text[-1] == text[0]
449 text = text[1, -1]
450 return text
452 # Loop on directory and files
453 if isinstance(file, pyfortool.scope.PYFTscope) or os.path.isfile(file):
454 if isinstance(file, pyfortool.scope.PYFTscope):
455 pft = file.mainScope
456 filename = pft.getFileName()
457 mustClose = False
458 else:
460 self._wrapH, verbosity=self._verbosity)
461 filename = file
462 mustClose = True
463 filename = filename[2:] if filename.startswith('./') else filename
465 # Loop on scopes
466 self._scopes[filename] = []
467 self._includeList[filename] = {}
468 self._useList[filename] = {}
469 self._callList[filename] = {}
470 self._funcList[filename] = {}
471 scopes = pft.getScopes()
472 for scope in scopes:
473 # Scope found in file
474 self._scopes[filename].append(scope.path)
475 # We add, to this list, the "MODULE PROCEDURE" declared in INTERFACE statements
476 if scope.path.split('/')[-1].split(':')[0] == 'interface':
477 for name in [n2name(nodeN).upper()
478 for moduleproc in scope.findall('./{*}procedure-stmt')
479 for nodeN in moduleproc.findall('./{*}module-procedure-N-LT/' +
480 '{*}N')]:
481 for sc in scopes:
482 if'/', 1)[0] + '/[a-zA-Z]*:' + name,
483 sc.path):
484 self._scopes[filename].append(scope.path + '/' +
485 sc.path.split('/')[-1])
487 # include, use, call and functions
488 # Fill compilation_tree
489 # Includes give directly the name of the source file but possibly without
490 # the directory
491 self._includeList[filename][scope.path] = \
492 [file.text for file in scope.findall('.//{*}include/{*}filename')] # cpp
493 self._includeList[filename][scope.path].extend(
494 [extractString(file.text)
495 for file in scope.findall('.//{*}include/{*}filename/{*}S')]) # FORTRAN
497 # For use statements, we need to scan all the files to know which one
498 # contains the module
499 self._useList[filename][scope.path] = []
500 for use in scope.findall('.//{*}use-stmt'):
501 modName = n2name(use.find('./{*}module-N/{*}N')).upper()
502 only = [n2name(n).upper() for n in use.findall('.//{*}use-N//{*}N')]
503 self._useList[filename][scope.path].append((modName, only))
505 # Fill execution tree
506 # We need to scan all the files to find which one contains the subroutine/function
507 self._callList[filename][scope.path] = \
508 list(set(n2name(call.find('./{*}procedure-designator/{*}named-E/{*}N')).upper()
509 for call in scope.findall('.//{*}call-stmt')))
510 # We cannot distinguish function from arrays
511 self._funcList[filename][scope.path] = set()
512 for name in [n2name(call.find('./{*}N')).upper()
513 for call in scope.findall('.//{*}named-E/{*}R-LT/{*}parens-R/../..')]:
514 # But we can exclude some names if they are declared as arrays
515 var = scope.varList.findVar(name)
516 if var is None or var['as'] is None:
517 self._funcList[filename][scope.path].add(name)
518 self._funcList[filename][scope.path] = list(self._funcList[filename][scope.path])
519 if mustClose:
520 pft.close()
521 else:
522 if filename in self._scopes:
523 del self._scopes[filename], self._includeList[filename], \
524 self._useList[filename], self._callList[filename], \
525 self._funcList[filename]
527 @debugDecor
528 def fromJson(self, filename):
529 """read from json"""
530 with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
531 descTree = json.load(file)
532 self._cwd = descTree['cwd']
533 self._scopes = descTree['scopes']
534 self._useList = descTree['useList']
535 self._includeList = descTree['includeList']
536 self._callList = descTree['callList']
537 self._funcList = descTree['funcList']
539 @debugDecor
540 def toJson(self, filename):
541 """save to json"""
542 descTree = {'cwd': self._cwd,
543 'scopes': self._scopes,
544 'useList': self._useList,
545 'includeList': self._includeList,
546 'callList': self._callList,
547 'funcList': self._funcList,
548 }
549 # Order dict keys and list values
550 descTree['scopes'] = {k: sorted(descTree['scopes'][k]) for k in sorted(descTree['scopes'])}
551 for cat in ('useList', 'includeList', 'callList', 'funcList'):
552 descTree[cat] = {file: {scope: sorted(descTree[cat][file][scope])
553 for scope in sorted(descTree[cat][file])}
554 for file in sorted(descTree[cat])}
555 # Write json on disk with indentation
556 with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
557 json.dump(descTree, file, indent=2)
559 # No @debugDecor for this low-level method
560 def scopeToFiles(self, scopePath):
561 """
562 Return the name of the file defining the scope
563 :param scopePath: scope path to search for
564 :return: list file names in which scope is defined
565 """
566 return [filename for filename, scopes in self._scopes.items() if scopePath in scopes]
568 @debugDecor
569 def fileToScopes(self, filename):
570 """
571 Return the scopes contained in the file
572 :param filename: name of the file tn inspect
573 :return: list of scopes defined in the file
574 """
575 return self._scopes[filename]
577 @staticmethod
578 def _recurList(node, descTreePart, level, down):
579 """
580 :param node: initial node
581 :param descTreePart: 'compilation_tree' or 'execution_tree' part of a descTree object
582 :param level: number of levels (0 to get only the initial node, None to get all nodes)
583 :param down: True to get the nodes lower in the tree, False to get the upper ones
584 :return: list of nodes lower or upper tahn initial node (recursively)
585 """
586 def recur(nnn, level, currentList):
587 if down:
588 result = descTreePart.get(nnn, [])
589 else:
590 result = [item for (item, l) in descTreePart.items() if nnn in l]
591 if level is None or level > 1:
592 for res in list(result):
593 if res not in currentList: # for FORTRAN recursive calls
594 result.extend(recur(res, None if level is None else level - 1, result))
595 return result
596 return recur(node, level, [])
598 @debugDecor
599 def needsFile(self, filename, level=1):
600 """
601 :param filename: initial file name
602 :param level: number of levels (0 to get only the initial file, None to get all files)
603 :return: list of file names needed by the initial file (recursively)
604 """
605 return self._recurList(filename, self._compilationTree_compilationTree, level, True)
607 @debugDecor
608 def neededByFile(self, filename, level=1):
609 """
610 :param filename: initial file name
611 :param level: number of levels (0 to get only the initial file, None to get all files)
612 :return: list of file names that needs the initial file (recursively)
613 """
614 return self._recurList(filename, self._compilationTree_compilationTree, level, False)
616 @debugDecor
617 def callsScopes(self, scopePath, level=1):
618 """
619 :param scopePath: initial scope path
620 :param level: number of levels (0 to get only the initial scope path,
621 None to get all scopes)
622 :return: list of scopes called by the initial scope path (recursively)
623 """
624 return self._recurList(scopePath, self._executionTree_executionTree, level, True)
626 @debugDecor
627 def calledByScope(self, scopePath, level=1):
628 """
629 :param scopePath: initial scope path
630 :param level: number of levels (0 to get only the initial scope path,
631 None to get all scopes)
632 :return: list of scopes that calls the initial scope path (recursively)
633 """
634 return self._recurList(scopePath, self._executionTree_executionTree, level, False)
636 @debugDecor
637 def isUnderStopScopes(self, scopePath, stopScopes,
638 includeInterfaces=False, includeStopScopes=False):
639 """
640 :param scopePath: scope path to test
641 :param stopScopes: list of scopes
642 :param includeInterfaces: if True, interfaces of positive scopes are also positive
643 :param includeInterfaces: if True, scopes that are in stopScopes return True
644 :return: True if the scope path is called directly or indirectly by one of the scope
645 paths listed in stopScopes
646 """
647 scopeSplt = scopePath.split('/')
648 if includeInterfaces and len(scopeSplt) >= 2 and scopeSplt[-2].split(':')[0] == 'interface':
649 # This scope declares an interface, we look for the scope corresponding
650 # to this interface
651 scopeI = scopeSplt[-1]
652 if scopeI in self._executionTree_executionTree:
653 # The actual code for the routine exists
654 return self.isUnderStopScopes(scopeI, stopScopes,
655 includeStopScopes=includeStopScopes)
656 # No code found for this interface
657 return False
658 upperScopes = self.calledByScope(scopePath, None)
659 return (any(scp in upperScopes for scp in stopScopes) or
660 (includeStopScopes and scopePath in stopScopes))
662 @debugDecor
663 def plotTree(self, centralNodeList, output, plotMaxUpper, plotMaxLower, kind, frame=False):
664 """
665 Compute a dependency graph
666 :param centralNodeList: file, scope path, list of files or list of scope paths
667 :param output: output file name (.dot or .png extension)
668 :param plotMaxUpper: Maximum number of elements to plot, upper than the central element
669 :param plotMaxLower: Maximum number of elements to plot, lower than the central element
670 :param kind: must be 'compilation_tree' or 'execution_tree'
671 :param frame: True to plot a frame grouping the central nodes
672 """
673 assert kind in ('compilation_tree', 'execution_tree')
675 hashValues = {0: 1}
677 def myHash(obj):
678 objHash = hash(obj)
679 if objHash not in hashValues:
680 hashValues[0] += 1
681 hashValues[objHash] = hashValues[0]
682 return str(hashValues[objHash])
684 def createNode(node, label=None):
685 result = ""
686 if label is not None:
687 result += "subgraph cluster_" + myHash(node) + " {\n"
688 result += f'label="{label}"\n'
689 if kind == 'execution_tree':
690 color = 'blue' if node.split('/')[-1].split(':')[0] == 'func' else 'green'
691 else:
692 color = 'black'
693 result += myHash(node) + f' [label="{node}" color="{color}"]\n'
694 if label is not None:
695 result += "}\n"
696 return result
698 def createLink(file1, file2):
699 return myHash(file1) + ' -> ' + myHash(file2) + '\n'
701 def createCluster(nodes, label=None):
702 result = "subgraph cluster_R {\n"
703 result += "{rank=same " + (' '.join([myHash(node) for node in nodes])) + "}\n"
704 if label is not None:
705 result += f'label="{label}"\n'
706 result += "}\n"
707 return result
709 def add(item):
710 if item not in dot:
711 dot.append(item)
713 def filename(scopePath):
714 if kind == 'compilation_tree':
715 return None
716 return [f for f, l in self._scopes.items() if scopePath in l][0]
718 def recur(node, level, down, var):
719 if level is None or level > 0:
720 if down:
721 result = var.get(node, [])
722 else:
723 result = [f for f, l in var.items() if node in l]
724 for res in result:
725 add(createNode(res, filename(res)))
726 add(createLink(node, res) if down else createLink(res, node))
727 if level is None or level > 1:
728 recur(res, None if level is None else level - 1, down, var)
730 # Are all the central scopes in the same file
731 printInFrame = False
732 if kind == 'execution_tree':
733 centralScopeFilenames = []
734 for scopePath in centralNodeList:
735 centralScopeFilenames.append(filename(scopePath))
736 centralScopeFilenames = list(set(centralScopeFilenames))
737 if len(centralScopeFilenames) == 1:
738 frame = True
739 printInFrame = True
740 else:
741 printInFrame = False
743 # Order the tree to obtain deterministic graphs
744 var = self._executionTree_executionTree if kind == 'execution_tree' else self._compilationTree_compilationTree
745 var = {k: sorted(var[k]) for k in sorted(var)}
747 dot = ["digraph D {\n"]
748 if not isinstance(centralNodeList, list):
749 centralNodeList = [centralNodeList]
750 for centralNode in centralNodeList:
751 add(createNode(centralNode, None if printInFrame else filename(centralNode)))
752 recur(centralNode, plotMaxLower, True, var)
753 recur(centralNode, plotMaxUpper, False, var)
754 if frame:
755 if kind == 'compilation_tree':
756 frameText = None
757 else:
758 frameText = centralScopeFilenames[0] if printInFrame else None
759 add(createCluster(centralNodeList, frameText))
760 add("}\n")
761 dot = ''.join(dot)
762 fmt = os.path.splitext(output)[1].lower()[1:]
763 if fmt == 'dot':
764 with open(output, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
765 file.write(dot)
766 else:
767 dotCommand = ['dot', '-T' + fmt, '-o', output]
768'Dot command: %s', ' '.join(dotCommand))
769, input=dot.encode('utf8'), check=True)
771 @debugDecor
772 def plotCompilTreeFromFile(self, filename, output, plotMaxUpper, plotMaxLower):
773 """
774 Compute the compilation dependency graph
775 :param filename: central file
776 :param output: output file name (.dot or .png extension)
777 :param plotMaxUpper: Maximum number of elements to plot, upper than the central element
778 :param plotMaxLower: Maximum number of elements to plot, lower than the central element
779 """
780 return self.plotTree(filename, output, plotMaxUpper, plotMaxLower, 'compilation_tree', True)
782 @debugDecor
783 def plotExecTreeFromScope(self, scopePath, output, plotMaxUpper, plotMaxLower):
784 """
785 Compute the execution dependency graph
786 :param scopePath: central scope path
787 :param output: output file name (.dot or .png extension)
788 :param plotMaxUpper: Maximum number of elements to plot, upper than the central element
789 :param plotMaxLower: Maximum number of elements to plot, lower than the central element
790 """
791 return self.plotTree(scopePath, output, plotMaxUpper, plotMaxLower, 'execution_tree')
793 @debugDecor
794 def plotCompilTreeFromScope(self, scopePath, output, plotMaxUpper, plotMaxLower):
795 """
796 Compute the compilation dependency graph
797 :param scopePath: central scope path
798 :param output: output file name (.dot or .png extension)
799 :param plotMaxUpper: Maximum number of elements to plot, upper than the central element
800 :param plotMaxLower: Maximum number of elements to plot, lower than the central element
801 """
802 return self.plotTree(self.scopeToFiles(scopePath), output, plotMaxUpper, plotMaxLower,
803 'compilation_tree')
805 @debugDecor
806 def plotExecTreeFromFile(self, filename, output, plotMaxUpper, plotMaxLower):
807 """
808 Compute the execution dependency graph
809 :param filename: central filename
810 :param output: output file name (.dot or .png extension)
811 :param plotMaxUpper: Maximum number of elements to plot, upper than the central element
812 :param plotMaxLower: Maximum number of elements to plot, lower than the central element
813 """
814 return self.plotTree(self.fileToScopes(filename), output, plotMaxUpper, plotMaxLower,
815 'execution_tree', True)
817 @debugDecor
818 def findScopeInterface(self, scopePath):
819 """
820 Return the file name containing an interface for the scope path
821 :param scopePath: scope path for which an interface is searched
822 :return: (file name, interface scope) or (None, None) if not found
823 """
824 for filename, scopes in self._scopes.items():
825 for scopeInterface in scopes:
826 if'interface:[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*/' + scopePath, scopeInterface):
827 return filename, scopeInterface
828 return None, None
plotTree(self, centralNodeList, output, plotMaxUpper, plotMaxLower, kind, frame=False)
fileToScopes(self, filename)
needsFile(self, filename, level=1)
scopeToFiles(self, scopePath)
copyFromOtherTree(self, other)
callsScopes(self, scopePath, level=1)
_analyseFile(self, file)
calledByScope(self, scopePath, level=1)
plotExecTreeFromScope(self, scopePath, output, plotMaxUpper, plotMaxLower)
toJson(self, filename)
update(self, file)
_recurList(node, descTreePart, level, down)
fromJson(self, filename)
findScopeInterface(self, scopePath)
plotCompilTreeFromFile(self, filename, output, plotMaxUpper, plotMaxLower)
plotExecTreeFromFile(self, filename, output, plotMaxUpper, plotMaxLower)
copyToOtherTree(self, other)
__init__(self, tree=None, descTreeFile=None, parser=None, parserOptions=None, wrapH=False, verbosity=None)
neededByFile(self, filename, level=1)
signal(self, file)
isUnderStopScopes(self, scopePath, stopScopes, includeInterfaces=False, includeStopScopes=False)
plotCompilTreeFromScope(self, scopePath, output, plotMaxUpper, plotMaxLower)
setFullContent(self, content)
conservativePYFT(filename, parser, parserOptions, wrapH, tree=None, verbosity=None, clsPYFT=None)