| __init__ (self, filename, output=None, parser=None, parserOptions=None, verbosity=None, wrapH=False, tree=None, enableCache=False) |
| setParallel (cls, tree, clsLock=None, clsRLock=None) |
| lockFile (cls, filename) |
| unlockFile (cls, filename, silence=False) |
| __enter__ (self) |
| __exit__ (self, excType, excVal, excTb) |
| close (self) |
| xml (self) |
| fortran (self) |
| renameUpper (self) |
| renameLower (self) |
| write (self) |
| writeXML (self, filename) |
| __copy__ (self) |
| __deepcopy__ (self, memo) |
| __getattr__ (self, attr) |
| path (self) |
| mainScope (self) |
| parentScope (self) |
| getParent (self, item, level=1) |
| getSiblings (self, item, before=True, after=True) |
| showScopesList (self, includeItself=False) |
| getScopes (self, level=-1, excludeContains=True, excludeKinds=None, includeItself=True) |
| getScopeNode (self, scopePath, excludeContains=True, includeItself=True) |
| isScopeNode (self, node) |
| getParentScopeNode (self, item, mustRaise=True) |
| getScopePath (self, item, includeItself=True) |
| getFileName (self) |
| empty (self, addStmt=None, simplify=False) |
| tag (self) |
| tail (self) |
| text (self) |
| findtext (self, *args, **kwargs) |
| iterfind (self, *args, **kwargs) |
| itertext (self, *args, **kwargs) |
| __getitem__ (self, *args, **kwargs) |
| __len__ (self, *args, **kwargs) |
| __iter__ (self) |
| find (self, *args, **kwargs) |
| findall (self, *args, **kwargs) |
| iter (self, *args, **kwargs) |
| items (self, *args, **kwargs) |
| clear (self) |
| append (self, *args, **kwargs) |
| extend (self, *args, **kwargs) |
| __setitem__ (self, index, item) |
| __delitem__ (self, index) |
| insert (self, index, item) |
| remove (self, node) |
| varList (self) |
| attachArraySpecToEntity (self) |
| checkImplicitNone (self, mustRaise=False) |
| checkIntent (self, mustRaise=False) |
| removeVar (self, varList, simplify=False) |
| addVar (self, varList) |
| addModuleVar (self, moduleVarList) |
| showUnusedVar (self) |
| removeUnusedLocalVar (self, excludeList=None, simplify=False) |
| addExplicitArrayBounds (self, node=None) |
| addArrayParentheses (self) |
| addArrayParenthesesInNode (self, node) |
| modifyAutomaticArrays (self, declTemplate=None, startTemplate=None, endTemplate=None) |
| findIndexArrayBounds (self, arr, index, loopVar) |
| arrayR2parensR (self, namedE, table) |
| findArrayBounds (self, arr, loopVar, extraVarList=None) |
| renameVar (self, oldName, newName) |
| removeVarIfUnused (self, varList, excludeDummy=False, excludeModule=False, simplify=False) |
| isVarUsed (self, varList, exactScope=False, dummyAreAlwaysUsed=False) |
| addArgInTree (self, varName, declStmt, pos, stopScopes, moduleVarList=None, otherNames=None, parser=None, parserOptions=None, wrapH=False) |
| upperCase (self) |
| lowerCase (self) |
| indent (self, nodeToUpdate=None, indentProgramunit=0, indentBranch=2, exclDirectives=None) |
| removeEmptyLines (self) |
| removeComments (self, exclDirectives=None, pattern=None) |
| updateContinuation (self, nodeToUpdate=None, align=True, removeALL=False, addBegin=True, removeBegin=False) |
| updateSpaces (self, beforeOp=1, afterOp=1, inOperator=True, beforeComma=0, afterComma=1, beforeParenthesis=0, afterParenthesis=0, beforeAffectation=1, afterAffectation=1, inAffectation=True, beforeRangeDelim=0, afterRangeDelim=0, beforeUseDelim=0, afterUseDelim=1, beforeDeclDelim=1, afterDeclDelim=1, inDeclDelim=True, afterTypeDecl=1, beforeEqDo=0, afterEqDo=0, beforeEqCall=0, afterEqCall=0, beforeEqInit=0, afterEqInit=0, beforeEndcnt=1, afterBegincnt=1, afterIfwherecase=1, beforeThen=1, beforeIfaction=1, afterProgunit=1, endOfLine=True, afterName=0, inName=True, beforeCmdsep=0, afterCmdsep=1, adjacentKeywords=__NO_VALUE__, afterKeywords=__NO_VALUE__) |
| changeIfStatementsInIfConstructs (self, singleItem=None) |
| removeEmptyCONTAINS (self) |
| splitModuleRoutineFile (self) |
| buildModi (self) |
| deleteNonColumnCallsPHYEX (self, simplify=False) |
| convertTypesInCompute (self) |
| deleteDrHook (self, simplify=False) |
| addDrHook (self) |
| deleteBudgetDDH (self, simplify=False) |
| deleteRoutineCallsMesoNHGPU (self, simplify=True) |
| addMPPDB_CHECKS (self, printsMode=False) |
| addStack (self, model, stopScopes, parser=None, parserOptions=None, wrapH=False) |
| inlineContainedSubroutinesPHYEX (self, simplify=False) |
| removeIJDim (self, stopScopes, parser=None, parserOptions=None, wrapH=False, simplify=False) |
| removePHYEXUnusedLocalVar (self, excludeList=None, simplify=False) |
| expandAllArraysPHYEX (self, concurrent=False) |
| mathFunctoBRFunc (self) |
| shumanFUNCtoCALL (self) |
| buildACCTypeHelpers (self) |
| isNodeInProcedure (self, node, procList) |
| isNodeInCall (self, node) |
| removeCall (self, callName, simplify=False) |
| removePrints (self, simplify=False) |
| removeArraySyntax (self, concurrent=False, useMnhExpand=True, everywhere=True, loopVar=None, reuseLoop=True, funcList=None, updateMemSet=False, updateCopy=False, addAccIndependentCollapse=True) |
| inlineContainedSubroutines (self, simplify=False, loopVar=None) |
| inline (self, subContained, callStmt, mainScope, simplify=False, loopVar=None) |
| setFalseIfStmt (self, flags, simplify=False) |
| evalFalseIfStmt (self, nodes, simplify=False) |
| checkOpInCall (self, mustRaise=False) |
| insertStatement (self, stmt, first) |
| removeStmtNode (self, nodes, simplifyVar, simplifyStruct) |
| removeConstructNode (self, node, simplifyVar, simplifyStruct) |
| removeFromList (self, item, itemPar) |
| applyCPPifdef (self, keys) |
| removeACC (self) |
| removebyPassDOCONCURRENT (self) |
| craybyPassDOCONCURRENT (self) |
| addACCData (self) |
| addACCRoutineSeq (self, stopScopes) |
This class extends the PYFTscope one by adding file support (read/write)
Definition at line 57 of file pyfortool.py.